The different elements in the workflows are explained in about docs.
Main Workflows
Set up Client Company
The workflow for setting up a new client in Eagle is as follows:
Role - Service Agency (Administration)
Tasks handled centrally and not for a specific user
Role - Service Agency (Operations)
Tasks handled decentralized and for each user.
- Eagle needs to be installed in the tenant belonging to the service agency (provider of administrational services) and the one belonging to the client (recipient of administrational services).
- The Company Type on the Eagle Setup page is set to Client by default. The companies that will be used when performing tasks in Eagle on behalf of clients should be set to Service Agency. If a company is both a provider and a recipient of administrational services (performed in Eagle), the company should be set to Service Agency & Client.
- New client companies must give their consent to the following:
- That the service agency's Eagle app can communicate with their installation of Business Central.
- That the service agency's users can perform tasks on behalf of the client customer from the service agency's installation of Business Central according to users permissions.
- The client's tenant and environment(s) are set up on the Environments page.
- The user who wants to use Eagle to perform tasks on behalf of their customers selects the environment(s) on the My Environments page.
- Open the My Companies page, which is used for performing operational tasks.
- Select one of the Reload actions to refresh the page with all companies according to the current permissions and settings.
- My companies are ready to be used to set up functions and perform operational tasks, such as processing a payment.
If you want to use your own app registration, you have to Create the Application in the Azure portal. See How To Create App Registration for Eagle
Set up Functions
The workflow for setting up a function in Eagle is as follows:
- Once a new client has been set up in Eagle, it is possible to start setting up functions.
- Select the Functions Setup action on the My Companies page and then select which level the setting should be applied for.
- Select the type of function to be set and with which filters. See Getting Started
- It is possible to specify which group the function should belong to.
- It is optional but preferable to change the description to specify it in detail.
- Consider assigning filters to enable higher precision.
- With date filters, it is possible to set dynamic date filters.
- Consider assigning a Queue Result Settings Code. If you are setting up Table Export it is mandatory to assign a File Export Settings Code to specify the file settings for the results.
- The function has been set up. It is possible to check that functions of the type Page and Report has been set up in the desired way by selecting the Start action.
For more details, visit Set up a Function.
There are settings to control which language and/or region is used for enqueued functions. Users can create codes that contain a combination of language and region on the Regional Settings - Eagle page and assign the code at different levels, the most specific setting applies.
The Additional Settings action appears and can be selected when a function must be specified with additional settings to be used. For example, the report Suggest Vendor Payments with ID 393 requires that both Journal Template Name and Journal Batch Name are specified on the Additional Setting page.
Enqueue Table Exports and Reports
The workflow for ordering actions and reports in Eagle is as follows:
- The table exports and reports that can be ordered are set on the Function Setup page.
- Select Enqueue Table Export or Enqueue Report to order the chosen function with or without pre-configured settings, such as filters.
- The function is enqueued (by the system). Follow the progress of the ordered/enqueued function on the Queue Entries page in the service agency.
- The service agency calls the client company with the current parameters, such as filters, and a Job Queue Entry that is created checks the status of the client company´s progress.
- The status of the client company's progress is continuously monitored. At first, the checks are done very often, but as time goes on, the checks are done at slightly larger intervals.
- An Output Queue Entry and a Job Queue Entry that will run the selected function are created in the client company.
- Follow the progress of the enqueued function on the Output Queue Entries page in the client company.
- Select the Refresh action to see if the status of the enqueued function has been updated. It is also possible to select the Get Status action on the Queue Entries page in the service agency to update the status of the enqueued function, but since the system will perform this action in the background, it is only necessary on rare occasions.
- If the status of the record on the Queue Entries page is Error then read the Error Message and try to troubleshoot to determine if the error has occurred due to something caused by the service agency or the client company.
- It is possible to select the Filter action to check and troubleshoot if the error has occurred due to something caused by the service agency, and if so, select the Enqueue Table Export or Enqueue Report (2) again after the error has been rectified.
- It is possible to select the Open in Company action to check and troubleshoot if the error has occurred due to something caused by the client company.
- It is possible to select the Re-Enqueue action to run an ordered function again after the error has been rectified.
Visit the Queue Entry Batches page at the end of the day with a filter on Today and select the Download Result action to download the result of today's enqueued functions or export to SharePoint.
It is possible to set up for how long the data and the records are kept in the service agency and the client company on the Eagle Setup page and the Eagle Client Setup page. There are pre-set retention policies, that can be changed.
The table export is useful for troubleshooting, migrating data and to export data to other systems on a recurring basis. It's possible to set up any table available in both the service agency and the company client to be exported.
Calculate and Post Depreciation
The workflow for calculating and posting depreciation in Eagle is as follows:
- When it's time to calculate depreciation, it can be done in Eagle instead of doing it in each company. It is the same report that is used.
- Select the template Fixed Asset G/L Journal Amount with filter "G/L Account" when you create the new user-defined KPI with templates.
- Select report Calculate Depreciation with ID 5692 and report Post General Journal with ID 70337376 when you set up the functions.
- Select the Calculate Depreciation report on the My Companies page and enter filters manually to enqueue the report.
- The progress can be monitored by Using User-defined KPIs displayed on the My Companies page in Eagle and it is possible to use the user-defined KPIs for DrillDown to open the company calculating the depreciation. If, for example, you need to correct an error.
- Select the Post General Journal report on the My Companies page to enqueue the report. The progress can be monitored by Using User-defined KPIs displayed on the My Companies page in Eagle and it is possible to use the user-defined KPIs for DrillDown to open the company calculating the depreciation. If, for example, you need to correct an error.
- The selected journals are posted in the selected companies.
By using a user-defined KPI created with the Fixed Asset G/L Journal Amount with filter "G/L Account" template, it is possible to see the total amount for the calculated depreciation once the Calculate Depreciation report has been processed successfully. When the Post General Journal report has been processed successfully, the amount should be 0 again.
Functions in Other Apps
Process SweBase Payments
The workflow for processing payments using Eagle and SweBase is as follows:
- Once a new client company has been set up in the service agency, and payments has been configured in SweBase it is possible to start processing payments in Eagle.
- Choose one or several companies on the My Companies page and then select the Payment Suggestion action to start processing payments with manual filters.
- Choose one or several companies on the Payment Suggestion page and then select the Create Payment Suggestion action.
- Enter the maximum due date for transactions to include in the Last due date to pay field.
- An action of processing the payment suggestions in the client companies is enqueued.
- It is possible to select Enqueue Action on the My Companies page if you have set up the payment suggestion action on the Function Setup page making it possible to enqueue the payment suggestion with Date Filter on the Last Due Date To Pay field for the selected companies.
- Select Create Payment Suggestion (SweBase) on the Function List page.
- An action of processing the payment suggestions in the client companies is enqueued (including date filters).
- Select the same companies on the My companies for which you have previously ordered a payment suggestion and then select the Payment Suggestion action to continue processing payments.
- It is possible to check the amount (in the client company's local currency) and the number of lines to be paid for each client company on the Payment Suggestion page.
- It is possible to select the Open in Company action to open the selected payment Suggestion(s) on a new tab in the browser for each client company, making it possible to both review and edit the payment suggestion lines.
- Select the Refresh Status action to update the selected line(s) as it will not be updated automatically when changes are made in the client company's payment suggestion.
- Select the Queue PDF action to enqueue a function to create the payment suggestion(s) as PDF file(s).
- Select the Create File action to enqueue a function to save the lines in the payment suggestion(s) as a payment file (for each client company).
- Find the payment file(s) on the Queue Entries page which can be accessed by selecting the Today action on the Payment Suggestion page.
- It is possible to download the files by selecting the Download Result or Save to OneDrive action on the Queue Entries page.
By setting up report "12048858 - VP Create Payment Suggestions", it is possible to access the same functionality in Eagle as when creating payment suggestions directly in a company. Which can be useful if the Create Payment Suggestion action on the Payment Suggestion page is not sufficient for the purpose. Visit Set Up Functions for SweBase to see other examples av SweBase reports to Enqueue in Eagle.
Process SweBase File Imports with Spider
The workflow for processing file imports using Eagle, Spider and SweBase is as follows:
- Start by setting up the SweBase feature to utilize, in one company, whether it is Reconciliations or SIE Import.
- Proceed to set up the File Imports in Spider.
- When the SweBase and Spider functionality is set up in a company, these settings can be synchronized in Spider to all companies that will perform the tasks, within or outside the current tenant/environment.
- Save the files to import according to the Communication Method connected to the Integration.
- Enqueue the report Import to Integration Queue.
- The files are retrieved and imported into the Integration Queue.
- The progress can be monitored by Using User-defined KPIs displayed on the My Companies page in Eagle and it is possible to use the user-defined KPIs for DrillDown to open the Integration Queue in the company importing the files. If, for example, you need to correct an error.
- Find the status of the enqueued report on the Queue Entries page.
- Enqueue the report Process Integration Queue.
- The files are processed by the Integration Queue and the progress can be monitored in the same way as in previous step when the files were enqueued to be imported.
- Depending on the Integration Type the files will be handled differently.
- Integrations of the type SIE Import (SweBase) are handled accordingly to the setup for the SIE Import for the SIE Import Code connected to the Integration.
- Integrations of the Type Reconciliation (SweBase) are handled accordingly to the setup on the Bank file type setup page.
- Use a user-defined KPI to see the number of records in the relevant general journals.
- Enqueue the report Post General Journal.
- All journals within the filter are posted for the selected companies.
Use the pre-configured templates to create the necessary user-defined KPIs for monitoring the Integration Queue and to see the number of records in a general journal.
You can Enqueue the Import and Process Integration Queue report to manage the import and processing in the same step.
It is also possible to select the Re-Enqueue action on the Queue Entries page to run a requested function again after the error has been rectified.
The Handled field on the Queue Entries page allows users to enter a text or a code to specify how an error has been handled. It only applies to functions that ends with an error. When a value is entered in the Handled field, the Status changes to Error (handled).
Additional Workflows
Set up User-defined KPIs (Client Companies)
The workflow for setting up an Eagle KPI in Eagle is as follows:
- It is possible to set up User-defined KPIs once Eagle has been installed, but to use them as intended, a client company must be set up.
- Choose the search icon and enter Eagle KPIs Setup, and and then choose the related link.
- Choose a KPI on the User-defined (Client Companies) FastTab.
- Enter a name for the new field.
- Specify the number of the table that is the data source for the KPI.
- Specify the number of the page to open when the KPI is clicked and used for DrillDown.
- Optionally Apply Filters
- Turn on the Enabled toggle to activate the KPI.
You can create expressions on the Expression Terms page which can be used in calculations when the Calculate field on User-defined KPIs and Expression Terms is set to Expression. Useful if a more complex calculation is desired. Visit User-defined KPIs and Expression Terms for more information.
You can select 5 KPIs to appear as promoted on the Eagle Role Center.
Set up a User-Defined Process
The workflow for setting up a user-defined process in Eagle is as follows:
- The minimum required to create a custom process in Eagle is that a client company has been added to the My Companies page.
- Identify which functions and User-defined KPI that are needed for the process.
- Set up the functions required to be able to perform the task and add filters if needed.
- Set up the User-defined KPIs you want to use for help when you enqueue functions or open reports with manual filters.
- Select to Personalize the My Companies page to add the new Eagle KPI(s) and start to use the user-defined process.
You can select the Use Template action on the Eagle KPIs Setup page to start a guide to configure User-defined KPIs using templates.
You can set up functions that are a part of another app, if the app is installed in both the service agency and the client company.
User-defined KPIs that can be used to help perform a user-defined task can, for example, be to show how many records there are to be processed and another KPI that shows the number of processed records.