Release Notes
All Versions
Version 25.2
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Invoice Rounding | Possible to place invoice rounding in the footer | 113368 |
Added | Time Sheet | Page that displays all time sheet lines for which the user is the approver | 113369 |
Added | Expense Management | Report for creating invoices from expenses | 115924 |
Invoice Rounding | | 113368 |
Added the Rounding Account field on the StoryPoint Setup page, allowing users to specify the general ledger account(s) used for rounding differences when posting documents. This ensures that the value appears in the footer of the StoryPoint invoice/credit memo.
Time Sheet | 113369
Added the Time Sheet Lines by Resource page, allowing approvers to view all time sheet lines for which they are responsible, and to approve or reject them as needed.
You can set up the Time Sheet Lines by Resource page and the Approve Time Sheets report in a Workflow Automation in Eagle to streamline the process.
Expense Management | 115924
Added the report Create Purchase Invoices from Expenses with ID 70219902 which can be useful if you want to create a step in a Workflow Automation in Eagle to streamline the process.
Version 25.1
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Expense Management | Possible to add dimensions on expenses | 100064 |
Expense Management | 100064
Added a setting on the StoryPoint Setup page to specify if dimensions should be used for expenses. Dimensions from the G/L account configured on the Expense Code and dimensions from the vendor, specified in the Expense User settings, are inherited to the expense.
Version 25.0
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Dependency | Dependency on Business Central v25.0 | 109130 |
Added | Expense Code | Possible to add max amount limit on expense code | 100065 |
Dependency | 109130
Added dependency on version 25.0 of Business Central.
Expense Code | 100065
Added the ability to specify the maximum amount allowed for the expense code in the current calendar year for each expense user. If the total amount exceeds this value, the expense will not be possible to submit.
On the Expense Code Log Entries page, entries for the expense code are displayed for either the user or, as an expense administrator, for all users. Only expense codes with a specified maximum limit are logged. This is useful for tracking costs by expense code or resource.
Version 24.2
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Fixed | Expense Management | Issue with attachments when using collective expense invoicing | 110131 |
Expense Management | 110131
Fixed an issue with attachments that occurred during collective expense invoicing. Previously, only attachment from the last expense were included to the purchase invoice if the Source of Attachment for Purchase Invoices on the StoryPoint Setup page was set to Incoming Document.
Version 24.1
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Expense Management | Added support for collective expense invoicing | 100061 |
Expense Management | 100061
Added functionality to merge multiple expenses into a single purchase invoice per vendor. Activate this on the Storypoint Setup page.
Version 24.0
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Release Wave | Support for Business Central 2024 Wave 1 | 100262 |
Changed | Project | Job renamed to Project | 101353 |
Fixed | Expense Management | Issue with expense management in the mobil client | 100892 |
Release Wave | 100262
Added support for Business Central 2024 Wave 1.
Project | 101353
Changed from Job to Project. Microsoft is making this change in Wave 1 2024, and Storypoint has been updated to match the new name.
Expense Management | 100892
Fixed an issue with Expense Management that occurred with the mobile client.
Version 22.2
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Activities | Standard activities in Role Center | 89618 |
Added | Time Sheet | Inactivating use time sheet on resource card | 88442 |
Fixed | Time Sheet | Entering time without leaving field | 89657 |
Activities | 89618
Added new default Activities to the role centers Time Sheet User and Project Manager. For the Time Sheet User role center, you can now select the Approvals activity, and for the Project Manager role center, you can select Activities and Approvals.
Time Sheet | 88442
Added possibility to inactivate Use Time Sheet on Resource card even if the time sheet has lines with status Open and 0 in Quantity.
Time Sheet | 89657
Fixed an error that occurred when entering time on the Time Sheet line.
Version 22.1
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Automatic Account | Support for the Automatic Account Code extension | 84439 |
Automatic Account | 84439
Added support for Automatic Account Code functionality in Business Central, which was previously managed on a per-localization basis. StoryPoint now also supports the Automatic Account Code extension if it has been enabled as a feature on the Feature Management page.
Version 22.0
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Release Wave | Support for Business Central 2023 Wave 1 | 80209 |
Added | Telemetry | Usage Telemetry | 72819 |
Changed | Expense Management | Changed behavior regarding Expense codes | 71937 |
Release Wave | 80209
Added support for Business Central 2023 Wave 1.
Telemetry | 72819
Added anonymized telemetry monitoring in StoryPoint for extended capabilities to detect errors and develop the app.
Expense Management | 71937
Changed behavior regarding Expense codes on the Expense card. Expense Codes on the Expense with Allowed vendor set to Company can not be combined with Expense Codes were Allowed vendor is set to Private or Private or Company.
Version 21.2
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Resource Capacity | Work-hour template in the Batch Update Resource Capacity report | 76990 |
Added | Absence Export | Support for processing the absence export report in a job queue | 75570 |
Changed | Usage Link | New behavior when job planning lines are linked when Usage Link is enabled | 76608 |
Fixed | Role Center | The chargeability chart for the job manager displayed data for the current user | 78581 |
Resource Capacity | 76990
Added the Work-Hour Template field on the Resource and Resource Group to be used when using the Batch Update Resource Capacity report to update resource capacity.
Absence Export | 75570
Added support for processing the Absence Export report in a job queue. This change also makes it possible to Enqueue the report in Eagle.
Usage Link | 76608
Changed behavior in StoryPoint when job planning lines are linked when the Apply Usage Link is enabled on jobs. Now the default functionality in Dynamics 365 Business Central is used when job planning lines are posted and linked to calculate the Remaining fields.
If an original job planning line has the Line Type Budget and a new line is posted with Billable, they will not be linked. For it to be possible to link, the original job planning line (budget line) needs to be of the type Budget and Billable.
Role Center | 78581
Fixed the chargeability chart for the job manager to display data for resources of which they are Time Sheet Approver.
Version 21.1
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Invoice | Text as a comment on the top invoice line | 69310 |
Added | Invoice Rounding | Hides invoice rounding on the invoice lines if SweBase is installed | 69985 |
Added | Print Layouts | New settings for print layouts | 69311 |
Added | Phone Client | Not mandatory that the expense code must be entered first | 71013 |
Added | Job Task | End total for Time Sheet Lines on the Job Task Lines | 74386 |
Invoice | 69310
Added the Comment Line field on the Job Create Sales Invoice request page to enable users to add a text as a comment on the top invoice line on the created invoices. Useful if all invoices should have the same text.
Invoice Rounding | 69985
Added the ability to hide the invoice rounding on the invoice lines of job invoices and credit memos. Accounts specified with Rounding as Charge Type will be hidden from the invoice lines. The Charge Type field is a SweBase feature.
Print Layouts | 69311
Added new settings on the Print Layouts for extended possibilities to control how the job invoice is presented. On the Configure Totals FastTab it is possible to specify how summaries should be displayed.
Phone Client | 71013
Added the possibility to start the registration of expenses in the phone client with something other than the expense code. This makes it possible to specify attachments first, for example.
Job Task | 74386
Added the End total for Time Sheet Lines on the Job Task Lines.
Version 21.0
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Country/Region | Support for more countries | 72340 |
Added | Release Wave | Support for Business Central 2022 Wave 2 | 69891 |
Country/Region Support | 72340
Added support for the following countries: Angola, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Maldives, Mauritius, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Zimbabwe. See all supported countries on AppSource.
Release Wave | 69891
Added support for Business Central 2022 Wave 2.
Version 20.2
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Price list | Unit Price to Charge | 69333 |
Added | Expense Management | Settings to add additional fields on expenses | 66858 |
Added | Expense Management | Price list for expenses invoiced to customers | 63976 |
Changed | Expense Management | The All view on the Expenses page | 68815 |
Changed | Jobs | Hidden the Update Invoice Details action | 63810 |
Price list | 69333
Added a new field Unit Price to Charge excl. VAT to handle VAT on prices from the Price list.
Expense Management | 66858
Added settings on the StoryPoint Setup page to extend expenses with fields for participants and route. If the settings for Allow Participants and the Allow Route are enabled, the fields are added on the Expense page on the Details FastTab. It is possible to specify whether the fields should be mandatory on the Expense Code.
The Details FastTab is not visible by default if the settings for participants and route are not enabled on the StoryPoint setup page.
Expense Management | 63976
Added the option to use the price list for expenses that are registered on jobs and invoiced to a customer. If the price list contain a price for the resource and job task that is used on the expense, the price will be retrieved and inserted on the expense in the Amount Incl. VAT to Charge field.
Expense Management | 68815
Changed the All view on the Expenses page to include Approved expenses.
Jobs | 63810
Changed the visibility of the Update Invoice Details action. The action only updates the bill-to address and not the other addresses that have been added to jobs in Wave 1 year 2022. Therefore, the action is now hidden by default.
Version 20.1
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Expense Management | Report for expenses | 63154 |
Added | Expense Management | Support for quantity on expenses | 63157 |
Added | Time Sheets | Archive time sheets | 39193 |
Added | Time Sheets | Delete time sheets | 66518 |
Added | Job Journal | Name and job description in job journal lines | 63801 |
Changed | Absence Report | Absence report naming | 63709 |
Fixed | Guide | New time sheet user | 66609 |
Fixed | Permission set | Issue upgrading to Business Central 2022 Wave 1 | 65750 |
Expense Management | 63154
Added an Expense Report which makes it possible to extract approved expenses. It is possible to export the report lines to Excel. For example, if an approved expense should be registered in another system, the report can be used as a basis to facilitate this.
Expense Management | 63157
Added support to register quantity on expenses. The following fields are added on the Expense page: "Quantity", "Unit Price Incl. VAT" and "Unit Price Incl. VAT to Charge".
Time Sheets | 39193
Added support for use of the Archive time sheet action if a Time sheet contain lines with status Open or Rejected and no time is registered.
Time Sheets | 66518
Added new action Delete Time Sheets to be able to delete more than one Time sheet at a time.
Job Journal | 63801
Added possibility to show the Bill-to customer name and Job description fields in Job journal lines.
Absence Report | 63709
Changed name of the Absence report file to “Company Name + Absence + Current Date” e.g. CRONUS SE Absence 22-05-25.xml
Guide | 66609
Fixed the New Time Sheet User guide, it was possible to choose a faulty user as Approver Id.
Permission sets | 65750
Fixed an issue when Permission Sets defined as data was migrated to the new Permission Set objects.
Version 19.2
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Expense Management | Gross Invoice Amount (ExFlow) is set from Expense | 63865 |
Fixed | Job Task | Delete a Job Task | 61791 |
Expense Management | 63865
Added support for the ExFlow Gross Invoice Amount ExFlow field. If the app ExFlow is installed, the value in the Total Amount field on Expenses will be set in the ExFlow Gross Invoice Amount ExFlow field on Purchase Invoices. Read more about creating invoices from expenses in the User Guide.
Job Task | 61791
Fixed problems with deleting a Job Task that exists on a Time Sheet Line. This used to cast an error, now a message will appear stating that there is a Time Sheet Line containing the Job Task to be deleted. To proceed, remove the Job Task from the Time Sheet Line.
Version 19.1
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Expense Management | Find Expense from Purchase Invoice | 62934 |
Added | Country/Region | Support for more countries | 63352 |
Added | Expense Management | Gross Invoice Amount (SweBase) is set from Expense | 61162 |
Added | Expense Management | Verify description in Expense Lines | 62650 |
Added | Deprecated | Resource Planning is set to deprecated | 60973 |
Added | StoryPoint Setup | Setup for Expense Users, Expense Codes and Job Expense Codes | 59896 |
Added | Assisted setup | Guides to set up Expense Management and Expense Users | 57927 |
Added | Permissions | Permission notification when running a guide | 61211 |
Added | Expense Management | Document Date on Purchase Invoice | 59214 |
Changed | Role Center | Modern look for the Job Manager role center | 59656 |
Fixed | Phone Client | Submit period of time in mobile client | 61772 |
Fixed | Increased field length | Job Expense Code now supports codes with 20 characters | 59551 |
Fixed | Increased field length | StoryPoint Setup No. Series now supports codes with 20 characters | 62442 |
Fixed | Error handling | Improved error handling | 60015 |
Expense Management | 62934
Added a possibility to quickly reach the Expense via a menu action on the Purchase Invoice/Posted Purchase Invoice when a Purchase Invoice is created from an Expense. Read more about creating invoices from expenses in the User Guide.
Country/Region | 63352
Added support for the following countries: Argentina, Bulgaria, Chile, Puerto Rico, Slovakia and Ukraine. See all supported countries on AppSource.
Expense Management | 61162
Added support for the SweBase Gross Invoice Amount field. If the app SweBase is installed, the value in the Total Amount field on Expenses will be set in the SweBase Gross Invoice Amount field on Purchase Invoices. Read more about creating invoices from expenses in the User Guide.
Expense Management | 62650
Added a restriction to the Description field on the Expense Lines page that it must include at least one character.
Deprecated | 60973
Added a notification that the StoryPoint Resource Planning functionality will be deprecated. Actions to reach the Resource Planning page has been set to not visible as default.
StoryPoint Setup | 59896
Added links to Expense Users, Expense Codes and Job Expense Codes in StoryPoint Setup.
Assisted Setup | 57927
Added guides to simplify set up of Expense Management and Expense Users. It is also possible to set up Expense Management and Expense Users manually. Read about setting up Expense Management and Expense Users with guides in Getting Started.
Permission | 61211
Added functionality to verify that the current user has required permission to execute all functionality in guides, before the guides are run. The user will be notified of which permissions are missing to run the guide.
Expense Management | 59214
Added functionality to copy the value in Document Date on the Expense and transfer it to the Document Date field on the Purchase Invoice. This is done when you create an Invoice from an Expense. Read more about creating invoices from expenses in the User Guide.
Role Center | 59656
Changed the Job Manager role center in StoryPoint to a modern look.
Phone Client | 61772
Fixed that when you submit time that refers to a period (day, period) that contains already approved Time Sheet Lines, you will not get an error.
Increased field length | 59551
Fixed that Job Expense Code now supports a code with 20 characters.
Increased field length | 62422
Fixed that StoryPoint Setup now supports No. Series with codes of 20 characters.
Error Handling | 60015
Fixed that you no longer will get the error "the line already exists" when you create a Purchase order from an Expense, this could happen under certain circumstances.
Version 19.0
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Expense Management | Setting for where to store attachments for expenses | 57646 |
Added | Release Wave | Support for Business Central 2021 Wave 2 | 56686 |
Expense Management | 57646
Added the Source of Attachment for Purchase Invoices field on the StoryPoint Setup which specifies where the attachments from an expense are stored when a purchase invoice is created. It can, for example, be the choice of workflow process that controls what is best to choose.
Version 18.2
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Expense Management | New functionality, Expense management | 52936 |
Added | Country/Region | Support for more countries | 56450 |
Changed | Caption | Changed field captions on the Job Task Lines page | 54866 |
Expense Management | 52936
Added expense management functionality, making it possible to add, post, charge jobs, invoice and pay expenses to employees. StoryPoint manages expenses that should be handled within Business Central and not by a payroll system. Read about how to start using the functionality in Get Started with Expense Management and see the processes in Workflows for Expense Management.
Country/Region Support | 56450
Added support for the following countries: Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Faroe Islands (Denmark), Greece, Greenland (Denmark), Kenya, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malta, Morocco, Myanmar, Nigeria, Portugal, Qatar, Romania,Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Tunisia and Turkey. See all supported countries on AppSource.
Changed Captions | 54866
Changed the names of the fields on the Job Task Lines page that contained (Time) to (Quantity).
Version 18.1
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Documentation | Documentation with Xml Comments | 52669 |
Fixed | StoryPoint Setup | The Unit of Measure field was linked to the wrong page | 51724 |
Documentation | 52669
Added Xml comments to document public objects, functions and events which are available via IntelliSense in VSCode and in the Technical Reference.
StoryPoint Setup | 51724
Fixed the Unit of Measure field on the StoryPoint Setup page to link to the right page.
Version 18.0
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Country/Region | Support for more countries | 51016 |
Added | Release Wave | Support for Business Central 2021 Wave 1 | 50640 |
Country/Region Support | 51016
Added support for the following countries: Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Estonia, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam. See all supported countries on AppSource.
Version 17.1
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Tooltips | ToolTips on fields and actions | 39867 |
Added | Email Reminder | Email reminder functionality for time sheet approvers | 26850 |
Added | Phone Client | Settings for which view to use in the phone client | 26854 |
Added | Phone Client | Settings for which time frame to use in the phone client | 26853 |
Added | Phone Client | Report time via the Time Sheets page in the phone client | 42068 |
Added | Assisted setup | Assign a profile to users in the Set up a new Time Sheet User guide | 47073 |
Added | Search | StoryPoint as a keyword for all StoryPoint related pages | 39883 |
Added | Time Sheets | Support for the New Sales Pricing Experience | 44930 |
Changed | Role Center | Tiles on the Job Manager role center has been changed | 46786 |
Fixed | Time Sheets | A validation issue to the Price List has been fixed | 46378 |
Fixed | Phone Client | Possible to reopen submitted time for the whole day or a period | 48273 |
Time Sheets | 44930
Added support for the New Sales Pricing Experience if the Time Sheet, Jobs w. Res. field is enabled. Only jobs where the current resource has a price set should be visible in the Job No. lookup in time sheets.
ToolTips | 39867
Added ToolTips on fields and actions. See all the StoryPoint ToolTips in Pages Overview.
Email Reminder | 26850
Added functionality to send email reminders to approvers when there are submitted time sheets to manage. Read more in the User Guide.
Phone Client | 26854
Added settings for which view to use by default in the phone client. Read more in the User Guide.
Phone Client | 26853
Added settings for which time frame to use in the phone client. Previously it was only Week by default, but now it is possible to also select Month. Read more in the User Guide.
Phone Client | 42068
Added feature to use StoryPoint to report time in the phone client by selecting the Time Sheets page. Previously it was only possible via the time sheet tiles on the role center of the StoryPoint roles. This change means that you can use the phone client to report time in StoryPoint regardless of which role center is used.
Assisted setup | 47073
Added functionality to be able to assign a Role to the configured user in the Set up a new Time Sheet User guide. The guide suggests using the role Time Sheet User but it is possible to choose another role in the guide.
Search | 39883
Added the keyword StoryPoint on all pages related to the app. This allows users to easily find all the pages that are relevant to the app by selecting the search icon, enter StoryPoint and then get an overview of the functionality.
Role Center | 46786
Changed the tiles on the Job Manager role center. The tiles for submitted time has been divided into two trays. A tile that shows past time and one that shows the future time.
Phone Client | 48273
Fixed the Reopen actions in the phone client. This fix allows users to easily reopen submitted time for the whole day or the whole period.
Time Sheets | 46378
Fixed a validation to the Price List in Times Sheets. There was a problem with the validation made to the Price List when a Job Task was selected in a Time Sheet. The problem only ocurred if the field Time Sheet, Jobs w. Res. was activated on the Job Setup page.
Version 17.0
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Invoice/Credit Memo | More fields on the footer of the invoice and credit memo | 40344 |
Added | Country/Region | Support for more countries | 36140 |
Added | Time Sheets | Bill-to Name is visible in Time Sheets | 38875 |
Changed | Invoice/Credit Memo | The data set on the invoice and credit memo are changed | 38049 |
Changed | Invoice/Credit Memo | The name of the invoice/credit memo are changed | 38202 |
Fixed | StoryPoint Setup | Fixed permission error when opening the StoryPoint Setup page | 39268 |
Fixed | Time Sheets | Fixed error when selecting the Get Lines action | 40053 |
Fixed | Time Sheets | Fixed miscalculated numbers in the Time Sheet Details FactBox | 37484 |
Fixed | Time Sheets | Fixed Headlines and ToolTips in Time Sheets | 38474 |
Fixed | StoryPoint Setup | Fixed error message NotValidPeriodType | 39241 |
Invoice and Credit Memo | 40344
Added the fields: IBAN, Swift Code, Email and Homepage on the footer of the StoryPoint invoice (Report 70219910) and credit memo (Report 70219911).
Country/Region support | 36140
Added support for the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czechia, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and Spain. See all supported countries on AppSource.
Time Sheets | 38875
Added the Bill-to Name field on the StoryPoint Jobs page which is accessible on the Time Sheets page from the Job No. field. This allows users to enter the customer's billing name in the Jobs No. to search for the relevant job when registering time.
Invoice and Credit Memo | 38049
Changed the data set on the StoryPoint invoice (Report 70219910) and credit memo (Report 70219911) to improve the Modify Report Layout function.
Invoice/Credit Memo | 38202
Changed the name of the StoryPoint invoice (Report 70219910) and credit memo (Report 70219911) to same as standard Business Central.
StoryPoint Setup | 39268
Fixed a permission error that could occur when opening the StoryPoint Setup page.
Time Sheets | 40053
Fixed an error that occurred when selecting the Get Lines action in Time Sheets.
Time Sheets | 37484
Fixed the miscalculated numbers in the Time Sheet Details FactBox on the Time Sheets page.
Time Sheets | 38474
Fixed headlines and ToolTips on the Time Sheets page. There were a few headlines missing and the ToolTips were not informative enough.
StoryPoint Setup | 39241
Fixed the error message that occurred on the StoryPoint Setup.
Version 16.0
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Release Wave | Support for Business Central 2020 Wave 1 | 37234 |
Fixed | Role Center | Fixed a Tile in the Time Sheet User role center | 37201 |
Role Center | 37201
Fixed the Submitted tile on the Time Sheet User role center.
Version 15.5
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Country/Region | Support for more countries | 32840 |
Changed | Obsolete State | All objects will be set to Internal in next major | 34313 |
Fixed | Role Center | Fixed a Tile in the Job Manager role center | 35308 |
Country/Region Support | 32840
Added support for the following countries: Norway. See all supported countries on AppSource.
Obsolete State | 34313
Changed that all objects in StoryPoint will be set to Internal in Business Central 2020 release wave 1 (version 16). Please contact SmartApps to request that an object should be opened.
Role Center | 35308
Fixed the Submitted tile on the Job Manager role center.
Version 15.4
Type | Title | Description | Read More |
Added | Time Sheet Approver | Possible to change the Time Sheet Approver in more scenarios | 26353 |
Added | Country/Region | Added support for more countries | 27437 |
Added | Phone Client | Functionality to approve submitted time in the phone client | 26281 |
Fixed | Phone Client | Fixed a problem to report time on Jobs in the phone client | 32841 |
Phone Client | 26281
Added functionality to approve submitted time in the phone client. For easy access, select the Submitted tile on the Job Manager role center. Read more in the User Guide.
Time Sheet Approver | 26353
Added functionality to change the Time Sheet Approver User ID for resources, even if there are Time Sheet Lines with the Status "Open", "Submitted" or "Approved".
Country/Region support | 27437
Added support for the following countries: United States and United Kingdom. See all supported countries on AppSource.
Role Center| 22441
Changed the Job Manager and the Time Sheet User role centers in StoryPoint to a modern look.
Phone Client | 32841
Fixed the problem to register time on Jobs in the phone client.