GetChangedRecords Procedure
Codeunit WS External System API
Gets any changed records for the given External System.
The number of records returned is configured on the External System.
GetChangedRecords(SystemCode: Code[20]; var FetchId: Text; var ChangedRecords: XmlPort "QWESR WS Ext. Sys. Chngd Entr.") RecordCount: Integer
The code of the External System. This External System must be configured in BC.
var FetchId
A unique Id of the returned batch of changed record.
If there are any changed records, a batch of records are returned in every call to this function. Every batch gets a unique FetchId that is used in the next call to this function. In this way the system knows which record changes has been handled or not.
var ChangedRecords
XmlPort "QWESR WS Ext. Sys. Chngd Entr."
Returns the Primary Keys of the changed records, if there are any records to return.
The number of returned records in ChangedRecords.
This function should be called until there are no more records returned. In the first call an empty FetchId should be supplied, and then the last returned FetchId should be supplied for any subsequent call. The system uses this FetchId to move the change log records associated with this FetchId to the History tables.
This documentation is generated from Spider v24.0.193641.0