GetIntegrationSteps Procedure
This function should add all integration steps for this Integration Type. This is done by a call to IntegrationType.AddIntegrationStep() for each step, see example.
A sample implementation can be found at
GetIntegrationSteps(IntegrationType: Codeunit "QWESR Integration Type Mgt."; var IQStepOrder: Record "QWESR tIQStepOrder" temporary)
Codeunit "QWESR Integration Type Mgt."
An instance of the helper codeunit that provides the helper function AddIntegrationStep().
var IQStepOrder
Record "QWESR tIQStepOrder" temporary
The temporary record that should be populated with all steps needed for this Integration Type.
The field "Integration Type" in IntegrationType says which integration type the call is done for. This can be useful when having one single implementation (one single codeunit implementing the "QWESR IQ Integration Type" interface) for several different Integration Types.
IntegrationType.AddIntegrationStep("QWESR IQ Integration Type"::"[My Integration Type]", pvtIQStepOrder, "QWESR IQ Step"::"[My First Step]", Codeunit::"[My Codeunit]");
IntegrationType.AddIntegrationStep("QWESR IQ Integration Type"::"[My Integration Type]", pvtIQStepOrder, "QWESR IQ Step"::"[My Second Step]", Codeunit::"[My Codeunit]");
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