OnAfterGetBlockChangeOfExternalSystem Event
Codeunit Ext. System Public API
Raised after the check is being made to if a record change should be blocked not.
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
OnAfterGetBlockChangeOfExternalSystem(ExternalSystem: Record "QWESR External System"; ExternalSystemSyncSetup: Record "QWESR Ext. Sys. Sync Stp (Tbl)"; var RecRef: RecordRef; ChangeType: Enum "QWESR Ext. Sys. Change Type"; var BlockChange: Boolean)
Record "QWESR External System"
The external system that has triggered this check.
Record "QWESR Ext. Sys. Sync Stp (Tbl)"
The setup line that triggered this check.
var RecRef
The record that has been changed and triggered this check.
Enum "QWESR Ext. Sys. Change Type"
The type of the change on RecRef.
var BlockChange
Set this to true if this change should be prevented and an error should be thrown. Set this to false to allow the record change.
Important: Any changes to this parameter will override the default functionality for this check.
Important: Be careful when doing any changes to BlockChange. Blocking a change during install or upgrade would prevent the installation or upgrade to successfully complete.
This documentation is generated from Spider v24.1.207985.0