API Pages
Name | Source Table | Read-only |
agedAccountsPayable | Aged Report Entity | Yes |
agedAccountsReceivable | Aged Report Entity | Yes |
attachment | Attachment Entity Buffer | |
contact | Contact | |
contactInformation | Contact Information Buffer | Yes |
customer | Customer | |
customerFinancialDetail | Customer | Yes |
defaultDimension | Default Dimension | |
dimensionSetLine | Dimension Set Entry Buffer | |
documentAttachment | Attachment Entity Buffer | |
externalSystemSyncRecord | QWESR EXT Sync Record | Yes |
generalProductPostingGroup | Gen. Product Posting Group | Yes |
integrationQueueEntry | QWESR Integration Queue | |
integrationSetup | QWESR Integration Setup | Yes |
inventoryPostingGroup | Inventory Posting Group | Yes |
item | Item | |
itemUnitOfMeasure | Item Unit of Measure | |
itemVariant | Item Variant | |
location | Location | |
pdfDocument | Attachment Entity Buffer | Yes |
picture | Picture Entity | |
purchaseInvoice | Purch. Inv. Entity Aggregate | |
purchaseInvoiceLine | Purch. Inv. Line Aggregate | |
purchaseOrder | Purchase Order Entity Buffer | |
purchaseOrderLine | Purch. Inv. Line Aggregate | |
salesCreditMemo | Sales Cr. Memo Entity Buffer | |
salesCreditMemoLine | Sales Invoice Line Aggregate | |
salesInvoice | Sales Invoice Entity Aggregate | |
salesInvoiceLine | Sales Invoice Line Aggregate | |
salesOrder | Sales Order Entity Buffer | |
salesOrderLine | Sales Invoice Line Aggregate | |
unitOfMeasure | Unit of Measure | |
vendor | Vendor |
This documentation is generated from Spider v24.1.207985.0