Pages Overview
Spider - API Endpoints
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | EntityName | Specifies the value of the EntityName field. |
Field | EntitySetName | Specifies the value of the EntitySetName field. |
Field | API Endpoint | Specifies the Endpoint that is generated for the API page. You can test the API Endpoint immediately by choosing the link in the field. |
Field | APIGroup | Specifies the value of the APIGroup field. |
Field | APIPublisher | Specifies the value of the APIPublisher field. |
Field | APIVersion | Specifies the value of the APIVersion field. |
Field | ID | Specifies the value of the ID field. |
Field | Name | Specifies the value of the Name field. |
Field | DeleteAllowed | Specifies the value of the DeleteAllowed field. |
Field | Editable | Specifies the value of the Editable field. |
Field | InsertAllowed | Specifies the value of the InsertAllowed field. |
Field | ModifyAllowed | Specifies the value of the ModifyAllowed field. |
Field | SourceTable | Specifies the value of the SourceTable field. |
Field | SourceTableTemporary | Specifies the value of the SourceTableTemporary field. |
Field | SourceTableView | Specifies the value of the SourceTableView field. |
Azure Blobs
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Name | Specifies the name of the blob. |
Field | Last Modified | Specifies when the blob was last modified. |
Field | Size | Specifies the content length. |
Field | Content Type | Specifies the content type. |
Field | Lease Status | Specifies the lease status. |
Field | Lease State | Specifies the lease state. |
Field | Container | Specifies the name of the container that contains this blob. |
Action | Delete | Delete the selected blob. |
Action | Upload | Upload a file to a new blob. |
Action | Download | Download the content of the selected blob. |
Action | Copy | Copy the selected blob to a new location. |
Action | Refresh | Refresh the blob list from the Azure Storage. |
Azure Blob Storage Containers
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Name | Specifies the name of the container. |
Field | Last Modified | Specifies when the container was last modified. |
Field | Lease Status | Specifies the lease status. |
Field | Lease State | Specifies the lease state. |
Action | Delete | Delete the selected container with all it's contained blobs. |
Action | Create | Create a new container. |
Azure File Storage Files
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Path | Specifies the current path. |
Field | Name | Specifies the name of the file. |
Field | Type | Specifies the file type. |
Field | Size | Specifies the content length. |
Field | Last Modified | Specifies when the file was last modified. |
Field | Lease Status | Specifies the lease status. |
Field | Lease State | Specifies the lease state. |
Field | Copy Status | Specifies the copy status. |
Field | Directory Path | Specifies the directory path. |
Field | Path | Specifies the entire path. |
Field | Share Name | Specifies the share name. |
Action | Delete | Delete the selected file. |
Action | Add Directory | Add a new directory. |
Action | Upload File | Upload a new file. |
Action | Download | Download the selected file. |
Action | Refresh | Refresh the file list from Azure Storage. |
Azure File Shares
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Name | Specifies the name of the file share. |
Field | Last Modified | Specifies when the file share was last modified. |
Field | Quota | Specifies the quota of this share. |
Action | Delete | Delete the selected file share. |
Action | Create | Create a new file share. |
Business Processes
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Type | Specifies the type of the business process. Can be of type "Web Shop", "Financial Reporting" or "Custom". |
Field | Description | Specifies the description of the business process. |
Encrypted Storage List
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Type | Specifies the type. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Encrypted Data Exists | Specifies if encrypted data exists. |
Field | Password | Specifies the password for the encrypted data. |
Action | Upload File | Upload data from a file. This will be encrypted and saved on the active record. |
Extra Fields
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Activate | Specifies if the extra field is activated. |
Field | Name | Specifies the name of the extra field. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description of the extra field. |
Extra Fields Codes
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code of the extra field. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description of the extra field. |
Ext. System Sync Setup Field Sorting
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | No. | Specifies the number of the field. |
Field | Field Caption | Specifies the name of the field. |
Action | Up | Move the record up one step in the list to affect the sorting order. |
Action | Down | Move the record down one step in the list to affect the sorting order. |
Ext. System Sync Setup (Field)
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | No. | Specifies the number of the field. |
Field | Field Caption | Specifies the name of the field. |
Field | Log | Specifies if modifications will be logged. |
Field | Synchronize | Specifies if this field should be synchronized to the remote company. |
Field | No Validate | Specifies if Validate will be called when this field is modified in the remote company. |
Field | Allow Change | Specifies if it's allowed to manually change this field in the remote company. If not, an error will be shown when a user tries to change this field in the remote company. |
Field | Type Name | Specifies the type of the field. |
Action | Set Sort Order | Set the sort order for the fields. This will affect the order in which the fields are changed and validated in the remote company. |
Action | Field Transformation | Specify which fields and values should be changed during synchronization. Useful for changing certain fields depending on which company you are synchronizing to. It is possible to divide the subsystems into groups and specify which of these groups the conversion should apply to. |
Action | Set Log | Specify that the selected fields should be logged. |
Action | Disable Log | Specify that the selected fields should not be logged. |
Action | Set Synchronize | Specify that the selected fields should be synchronized and logged. |
Action | Disable Synchronize | Specify that the selected fields should not be synchronized. |
Action | Disable Synchronize and Log | Specify that the selected fields should not be synchronized or logged. |
Extra Fields Setup
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Object Caption | Specifies the name of the object. |
Field | Configure | Click here to configure the extra field. |
Field | Number of configured fields | Specifies the number of configured fields. |
External Subsystem Groups
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | System Code | Specifies the system code for the external system. |
Field | Code | Specifies the code for the external subsystem group. Useful if you want to divide subsystems into different groups to configure the Field Transformation differently per group. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description for the external subsystem group. |
Field Filters
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Field No. | Specifies the number of the field. |
Field | Field Name | Specifies the system name of the field. |
Field | Field Caption | Specifies the name of the field. |
Field | Field Filter | Specifies the filter to be applied when deciding which record to log. |
Field | Data Type | Specifies the data type of the field. |
Field | Field Length | Specifies the maximum number of characters that this field can contain. |
Field | Table No. | Specifies the number of the table. |
Ext. System Sync Change Log
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | System Code | Specifies the external system to retrieve the specific log entry. |
Field | Subsystem Code | Specifies the subsystem code if this record is related to an external subsystem. |
Field | Setup Line No. | Specifies which table setup line that initiated the log entry. |
Field | Entry No. | Specifies a unique number for this log entry. |
Field | Table No. | Specifies the table this record is retrieved from. |
Field | Record ID | Specifies the table name, and the specific record's primary key. |
Field | Change Type | Specifies if the logged entry was triggered by an Insert, Modify or Delete. |
Field | Record SystemId | Specifies the SystemId of the logged record. |
Field | User ID | Specifies the user who performed the change. |
Field | Date and Time | Specifies the time when the change was made. |
Field | Mapped from Record ID | Specifies the table name, and the specific record's primary key. |
Field | Error Message | Specifies the error that occurred when this record was handled. |
Field | Fetch ID | Specifies the id of a batch of entries fetched by an external system. |
Action | Delete All | Delete all records in this list. |
Action | Show Record | View the selected record. |
Ext. System Sync Field Mapping
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Map to Field No. | Specifies the number of the field to be mapped to another field. |
Field | Map to Field Caption | Specifies the name of the field to be mapped to another field. |
Field | Type | Specifies the type of mapping. Select "Filter" to apply a constant value or a filter in the field "Filter Value". Select "Field" to enter a field number in "Field No.". |
Field | Field No. | Specifies the number of the field which the mapping is performed against. |
Field | Field Caption | Specifies the name of the field which the mapping is performed against. |
Field | Constant Value | Specifies the constant value used in the mapping. |
Field | Filter Value | Specifies filter used in the mapping. |
Field Transformation
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | System Code | Specifies the external system code. |
Field | Setup Line No. | Specifies the line number of the setup. |
Field | Line No. | Specifies the line number of the field transformation. |
Field | Subsystem Group Code | Specifies the subsystem group code. You can divide the subsystems (companies) into different groups to configure the conversion differently per group. |
Field | Field No. | Specifies the field number of the field. |
Field | Field Caption | Specifies the caption of the field. |
Field | Field Name | Specifies the name of the field. |
Field | Type | Specifies the type of transformation. Select "Value" if you want to transform from one value to another. Enter the values in "Source Value" and "Target Value". Select "Field" if you want to transform from one field to another. Enter the field number in "Target Field No.". |
Field | Source Value | Specifies the value that should be changed when synchronizing. |
Field | Target Value | Specifies what value it should be changed to when synchronizing |
Field | Table No. | Specifies the table number of the field. |
Field | Field Type | Specifies the type of the field. |
Field | Target Field No. | Specifies the field number of the target field. |
Ext. System Sync History Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | System Code | Specifies the external system that retrieved this log entry. |
Field | No. | Specifies the number for this batch of changes. |
Field | User ID | Specifies the user who retrieved the records. |
Field | Date and Time | Specifies the time when the log records were retrieved. |
Field | Record Count | Specifies the number of retrieved records. |
Sub page | Records | Ext. System Sync Hist SubPage |
External System Synchronization History
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | System Code | Specifies the external system that retrieved the log entries. |
Field | No. | Specifies the number for this batch of changes. |
Field | User ID | Specifies the user who retrieved the records. |
Field | Date and Time | Specifies the time when the log records were retrieved. |
Field | Record Count | Specifies the number of retrieved records. |
Ext. System Sync Hist SubPage
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | System Code | Specifies the external system that retrieved the log entries. |
Field | History No. | Specifies the batch number that retrieved the log entries. |
Field | Setup Line No. | Specifies which table setup line that initiated the log entry. |
Field | Subsystem Code | Specifies the subsystem code if this record is related to an external subsystem. |
Field | Table No. | Specifies which table the record was retrieved from. |
Field | Record ID | Specifies the table name, and the specific record's primary key. |
Field | Change Type | Specifies if the logged entry was triggered by an Insert, Modify or Delete. |
Field | User ID | Specifies the user who performed the change. |
Field | Date and Time | Specifies the time when the change was made. |
Field | Entry No. | Specifies the unique number for this entry. |
Field | History Entry No. | Specifies the unique number for this history entry. |
Field | Mapped from Record ID | Specifies the table name and the primary key of the record that this entry was mapped from (if any). |
Field | Error Message | Specifies the error that occurred when the entry was retrieved. |
Action | Show Record | View the selected record. |
Ext. System Sync History Lines
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | System Code | Specifies the external system that retrieved the specific log entry. |
Field | History No. | Specifies the batch number that retrieved the log entries. |
Field | Setup Line No. | Specifies which table setup line that initiated the log entry. |
Field | Subsystem Code | Specifies the subsystem code if this record is related to an external subsystem. |
Field | Table No. | Specifies which table the record was retrieved from. |
Field | Record ID | Specifies the table name, and the specific record's primary key. |
Field | Change Type | Specifies if the logged entry was triggered by an Insert, Modify or Delete. |
Field | User ID | Specifies the user who performed the change. |
Field | Date and Time | Specifies the time when the table change was made. |
Field | Entry No. | Specifies a unique number for this log entry. |
Field | History Entry No. | Specifies a unique number for this history log entry. |
Field | Mapped from Record ID | Specifies the table name and the primary key of the record that this entry was mapped from (if any). |
Field | Error Message | Specifies the error that occurred when this record was handled. |
Action | Show Record | View the selected record. |
Field Filters
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Field No. | Specifies the number of the field that will be filtered. |
Field | Field Name | Specifies the system name of the field that will be filtered. |
Field | Field Caption | Specifies the name of the field that will be filtered. |
Field | Field Filter | Specifies the filter that will be applied. |
Field | Data Type | Specifies the data type of the field that will be filtered. |
Field | Field Length | Specifies the length of the field that will be filtered. |
Field | Table No. | Specifies the number of the table in which the field is located. |
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Table No. | Specifies the number of the table. |
Field | Table Name | Specifies the system name of the table. |
Field | Table | Specifies the name of the table. |
External System Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies an external system. The code is entered as System ID in Web Service calls. |
Field | Description | Specifies a description for the external system. |
Field | Type | Specifies the type of the external system. The type defines the behavior and capabilities of the external system. |
Field | Status | Specifies the status of the Web Service connection. Set the status to Active to allow Web Service calls from the external system. |
Field | Unsynchronized Count | Specifies the number of record changes still to be fetched by the external system through Web Service calls. |
Field | Synchronization Type | Specifies if the synchronization of this external system should be done via a log or performed directly when a change is detected. Doing this directly can have a negative performance impact, resulting in a poor user experience, and should be selected carefully. |
Field | Integration Setup Code | Specifies the code of the integration for this external system. This should be stated if the external system uses the Integration Queue for synchronization. |
Field | Action on Sync Error | Specifies how an error should be handled during synchronization. |
Field | Show Error after Sync | Specifies if an error message should be shown if any errors occurred during synchronization. This is only relevant when the field "Action on Sync Error" is configured to not stop on error. |
Field | Synchronization Count | Specifies the number of records returned per Web Service call or the number of records sent to an integration. "One at a time" returns one record per call, "All" returns all logged records, "Custom" returns the number of records specified in the field Custom Synchronization Count. |
Field | Custom Synchronization Count | Specifies the number of records returned when Synchronized Count is set to Custom. |
Field | Show Duration after Sync | Specifies if the duration of the synchronization should be shown for the user after the sync is completed. This can be useful when doing performance benchmarking. |
Field | Change Log Delay (s) | Specifies a delay, in seconds, that is used when change log entries are fetched. This is used because of the data cache mechanism in Business Central where a web service request could get an old version of the record, if it was recently changed in another service tier. |
Action | Unsynchronized | View a list of records that has not yet been synchronized to the external system. |
Action | Synchronization History | View the history of synchronization calls. |
Action | Sync. History Lines | View the history of logged entries that have been synchronized to the external system. |
Action | Synchronize | Synchronize this external system from the log. |
Action | Init Unsynchronized | Create log entries for all records in all tables set up for the specific external system. The time this will take is depending on the record count of the affected tables. |
Action | Add Default Tables | Add any default tables for this type of external system. |
Action | Full Sync | Perform a full synchronization of the external system. The behavior for this action depends on the type of external system, but the most common behavior is that the log entries are created for all records in all tables set up for the specific external system and then all these logged entries are synchronized to the external system. The time this will take is depending on the record count of the affected tables. |
Action | Search History | Search the synchronization history. |
Action | Synchronize Block Changes Setup | Synchronize block change settings to all configured companies. |
Action | Copy External System from | Copy all settings from a external system you select, to current external system. Current system must be empty, that is, no tables or subsystems may be setup. |
Action | Export External System | Export the current external system setup to a file. In combination with the import functionality the file can be used to transfer the setup of the external system between companies/environments. |
Action | Sync to Company Guide | Open a request page and configure this external system with default settings for synchronization to companies. |
Sub page | Table Setup | External System SubPage |
External System SubPage
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | System Code | Specifies the system code. |
Field | Line No. | Specifies the line number. |
Field | Table No. | Specifies the number of the table where entries will be logged from. |
Field | Table Caption | Specifies the name of the table as specified in Table No. |
Field | Description | Specifies a description. |
Field | Log Insertion | Specifies if records are logged when created. |
Field | Log Modification | Specifies if records are logged when being modified. |
Field | Log Deletion | Specifies if records are logged when being deleted. |
Field | Fields | Specifies the number of table fields which are being logged. |
Field | Field Filter | Specifies a filter to control which records being logged. |
Field | Field Filter Count | Specifies the number of applied filters. |
Field | Relation Type | Specifies the relationship type. Select Filter to specify a filter on a related table, and/or Map to Table to log another table if changes are made to this one. Enter which table the relationship applies to in the Related Table No. field. If Map to Table is selected, the related table must be specified. |
Field | Related Table No. | Specifies the number of the related table. The type of relationship that applies to this table is specified in the Relation Type field. |
Field | Related Table Caption | Specifies the name of the mapped table. |
Field | Related Fields Count | Specifies the number of field mappings. |
Field | Related Table Fields | Specifies the field mappings between the table on this line and the mapped table. |
Field | Recurse | Specifies if logging is done recursively when the mapped table is mapped to another table. |
Field | Do not log History | Specifies if change log entries due to this line will be saved to the external system synchronization history tables. |
Action | Up | Move the record up one step in the list to affect the sorting order. The sorting order is used when log entries are created using the actions "Init Unsynchronized" and "Full Sync". |
Action | Down | Move the record down one step in the list to affect the sorting order. The sorting order is used when log entries are created using the actions "Init Unsynchronized" and "Full Sync". |
Action | Fields | Add fields to log in the selected table. |
Action | Field Filter | Apply a filter to the selected table. |
Action | Field Transformation | Specify which fields and values should be changed during synchronization. Useful for changing certain fields depending on which company you are synchronizing to. It is possible to divide the subsystems into groups and specify which of these groups the conversion should apply to. |
Action | Table Mapping Fields | View the field mappings that have been specified according to the Relation Type that has been selected. |
Action | Init Unsynchronized | Create log entries for all records in all tables set up for the specific line. The time this will take is depending on the record count of the affected tables. |
External Systems
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies an external system. The code is entered as System ID in Web Service calls. |
Field | Description | Specifies a description for the external system. |
Field | Status | Specifies the status of the Web Service connection. Set the status to Active to allow Web Service calls from the external system. |
Field | Unsynchronized Count | Specifies the number of record changes still to be fetched by the external system through Web Service calls. |
Field | Change Log Delay (s) | Specifies a delay, in seconds, that is used when change log entries are fetched. This is used because of the data cache mechanism in Business Central where a web service request could get an old version of the record, if it was recently changed in another service tier. |
Field | Type | Specifies the type of the external system. The type defines the behavior and capabilities of the external system. |
Field | Synchronization Type | Specifies if the synchronization of this external system should be done via a log or performed directly when a change is detected. Doing this directly can have a negative performance impact, resulting in a poor user experience, and should be selected carefully. |
Field | Integration Setup Code | Specifies the code of the integration for this external system. This should be stated if the external system uses the Integration Queue for synchronization. |
Field | Action on Sync Error | Specifies how an error should be handled during synchronization. |
Field | Show Error after Sync | Specifies if an error message should be shown if any errors occurred during synchronization. This is only relevant when the field "Action on Sync Error" is configured to not stop on error. |
Field | Synchronization Count | Specifies the number of records returned per Web Service call or the number of records sent to an integration. "One at a time" returns one record per call, "All" returns all logged records, "Custom" returns the number of records specified in the field Custom Synchronization Count. |
Field | Custom Synchronization Count | Specifies the number of records returned when Synchronized Count is set to Custom. |
Field | Show Duration after Sync | Specifies if the duration of the synchronization should be shown for the user after the sync is completed. This can be useful when doing performance benchmarking. |
Action | Unsynchronized | View a list of records that has not yet been synchronized to the external system. |
Action | Synchronization History | View the history of synchronization calls. |
Action | Sync. History Lines | View the history of logged entries that have been synchronized to the external system. |
Action | New (Guide) | Start a guide to create a new external system. |
Action | Synchronize | Synchronize this external system from the log. |
Action | Init Unsynchronized | Create log entries for all records in all tables set up for the specific external system. The time this will take is depending on the record count of the affected tables. |
Action | Full Sync | Perform a full synchronization of the external system. The behavior for this action depends on the type of external system, but the most common behavior is that the log entries are created for all records in all tables set up for the specific external system and then all these logged entries are synchronized to the external system. The time this will take is depending on the record count of the affected tables. |
Action | Search History | Search the synchronization history. |
Action | Export External Systems | Export selected external systems setup to a file. In combination with the import functionality the file can be used to transfer the setup of external systems between companies/environments. |
Action | Import External Systems | Import the setup for external systems from a file. A new external system will be created for every external system defined in the file. Status of the created external systems will be set as inactive. |
Extra Fields
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Extra Code 1 | Specifies the value of the extra code 1 field. |
Field | Extra Code 2 | Specifies the value of the extra code 2 field. |
Field | Extra Code 3 | Specifies the value of the extra code 3 field. |
Field | Extra Code 4 | Specifies the value of the extra code 4 field. |
Field | Extra Code 5 | Specifies the value of the extra code 5 field. |
Field | Extra Code 6 | Specifies the value of the extra code 6 field. |
Field | Extra Code 7 | Specifies the value of the extra code 7 field. |
Field | Extra Code 8 | Specifies the value of the extra code 8 field. |
Field | Extra Text 1 | Specifies the value of the extra text 1 field. |
Field | Extra Text 2 | Specifies the value of the extra text 2 field. |
Field | Extra Text 3 | Specifies the value of the extra text 3 field. |
Field | Extra Text 4 | Specifies the value of the extra text 4 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 1 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 1 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 2 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 2 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 3 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 3 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 4 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 4 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 1 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 1 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 2 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 2 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 3 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 3 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 4 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 4 field. |
Field | Extra Date 1 | Specifies the value of the extra date 1 field. |
Field | Extra Date 2 | Specifies the value of the extra date 2 field. |
Field | Extra Date 3 | Specifies the value of the extra date 3 field. |
Field | Extra Date 4 | Specifies the value of the extra date 4 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 1 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 1 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 2 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 2 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 3 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 3 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 4 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 4 field. |
Extra Fields
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Extra Code 1 | Specifies the value of the extra code 1 field. |
Field | Extra Code 2 | Specifies the value of the extra code 2 field. |
Field | Extra Code 3 | Specifies the value of the extra code 3 field. |
Field | Extra Code 4 | Specifies the value of the extra code 4 field. |
Field | Extra Code 5 | Specifies the value of the extra code 5 field. |
Field | Extra Code 6 | Specifies the value of the extra code 6 field. |
Field | Extra Code 7 | Specifies the value of the extra code 7 field. |
Field | Extra Code 8 | Specifies the value of the extra code 8 field. |
Field | Extra Text 1 | Specifies the value of the extra text 1 field. |
Field | Extra Text 2 | Specifies the value of the extra text 2 field. |
Field | Extra Text 3 | Specifies the value of the extra text 3 field. |
Field | Extra Text 4 | Specifies the value of the extra text 4 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 1 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 1 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 2 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 2 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 3 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 3 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 4 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 4 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 1 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 1 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 2 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 2 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 3 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 3 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 4 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 4 field. |
Field | Extra Date 1 | Specifies the value of the extra date 1 field. |
Field | Extra Date 2 | Specifies the value of the extra date 2 field. |
Field | Extra Date 3 | Specifies the value of the extra date 3 field. |
Field | Extra Date 4 | Specifies the value of the extra date 4 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 1 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 1 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 2 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 2 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 3 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 3 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 4 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 4 field. |
Extra Fields
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Extra Code 1 | Specifies the value of the extra code 1 field. |
Field | Extra Code 2 | Specifies the value of the extra code 2 field. |
Field | Extra Code 3 | Specifies the value of the extra code 3 field. |
Field | Extra Code 4 | Specifies the value of the extra code 4 field. |
Field | Extra Code 5 | Specifies the value of the extra code 5 field. |
Field | Extra Code 6 | Specifies the value of the extra code 6 field. |
Field | Extra Code 7 | Specifies the value of the extra code 7 field. |
Field | Extra Code 8 | Specifies the value of the extra code 8 field. |
Field | Extra Text 1 | Specifies the value of the extra text 1 field. |
Field | Extra Text 2 | Specifies the value of the extra text 2 field. |
Field | Extra Text 3 | Specifies the value of the extra text 3 field. |
Field | Extra Text 4 | Specifies the value of the extra text 4 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 1 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 1 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 2 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 2 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 3 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 3 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 4 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 4 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 1 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 1 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 2 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 2 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 3 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 3 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 4 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 4 field. |
Field | Extra Date 1 | Specifies the value of the extra date 1 field. |
Field | Extra Date 2 | Specifies the value of the extra date 2 field. |
Field | Extra Date 3 | Specifies the value of the extra date 3 field. |
Field | Extra Date 4 | Specifies the value of the extra date 4 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 1 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 1 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 2 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 2 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 3 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 3 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 4 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 4 field. |
Extra Fields Codes
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Type | Specifies the extra code group which the record is linked to. |
Field | Code | Specifies a code which can be used as an option value for the defined extra field. |
Field | Description | Specifies a description for the extra code. |
Extra Fields Setup
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Customer Code 1 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Code 2 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Code 3 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Code 4 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Code 5 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Code 6 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Code 7 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Code 8 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Text 1 | Specifies the name of the extra text field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Text 2 | Specifies the name of the extra text field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Text 3 | Specifies the name of the extra text field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Text 4 | Specifies the name of the extra text field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Decimal 1 | Specifies the name of the extra decimal field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Decimal 2 | Specifies the name of the extra decimal field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Decimal 3 | Specifies the name of the extra decimal field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Decimal 4 | Specifies the name of the extra decimal field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Integer 1 | Specifies the name of the extra integer field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Integer 2 | Specifies the name of the extra integer field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Integer 3 | Specifies the name of the extra integer field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Integer 4 | Specifies the name of the extra integer field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Date 1 | Specifies the name of the extra date field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Date 2 | Specifies the name of the extra date field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Date 3 | Specifies the name of the extra date field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Date 4 | Specifies the name of the extra date field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Boolean 1 | Specifies the name of the extra boolean field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Boolean 2 | Specifies the name of the extra boolean field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Boolean 3 | Specifies the name of the extra boolean field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Customer Boolean 4 | Specifies the name of the extra boolean field that will be added to the customer card and customer list. |
Field | Vendor Code 1 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Code 2 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Code 3 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Code 4 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Code 5 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Code 6 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Code 7 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Code 8 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Text 1 | Specifies the name of the extra text field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Text 2 | Specifies the name of the extra text field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Text 3 | Specifies the name of the extra text field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Text 4 | Specifies the name of the extra text field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Decimal 1 | Specifies the name of the extra decimal field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Decimal 2 | Specifies the name of the extra decimal field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Decimal 3 | Specifies the name of the extra decimal field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Decimal 4 | Specifies the name of the extra decimal field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Integer 1 | Specifies the name of the extra integer field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Integer 2 | Specifies the name of the extra integer field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Integer 3 | Specifies the name of the extra integer field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Integer 4 | Specifies the name of the extra integer field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Date 1 | Specifies the name of the extra date field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Date 2 | Specifies the name of the extra date field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Date 3 | Specifies the name of the extra date field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Date 4 | Specifies the name of the extra date field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Boolean 1 | Specifies the name of the extra boolean field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Boolean 2 | Specifies the name of the extra boolean field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Boolean 3 | Specifies the name of the extra boolean field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Vendor Boolean 4 | Specifies the name of the extra boolean field that will be added to the vendor card and vendor list. |
Field | Item Code 1 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Code 2 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Code 3 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Code 4 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Code 5 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Code 6 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Code 7 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Code 8 | Specifies the name of the extra code field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Text 1 | Specifies the name of the extra text field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Text 2 | Specifies the name of the extra text field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Text 3 | Specifies the name of the extra text field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Text 4 | Specifies the name of the extra text field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Decimal 1 | Specifies the name of the extra decimal field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Decimal 2 | Specifies the name of the extra decimal field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Decimal 3 | Specifies the name of the extra decimal field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Decimal 4 | Specifies the name of the extra decimal field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Integer 1 | Specifies the name of the extra integer field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Integer 2 | Specifies the name of the extra integer field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Integer 3 | Specifies the name of the extra integer field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Integer 4 | Specifies the name of the extra integer field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Date 1 | Specifies the name of the extra date field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Date 2 | Specifies the name of the extra date field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Date 3 | Specifies the name of the extra date field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Date 4 | Specifies the name of the extra date field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Boolean 1 | Specifies the name of the extra boolean field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Boolean 2 | Specifies the name of the extra boolean field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Boolean 3 | Specifies the name of the extra boolean field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Field | Item Boolean 4 | Specifies the name of the extra boolean field that will be added to the item card and item list. |
Action | Mandatory Fields | Specify which extra fields are required on supported pages. If the specified fields are left empty on the pages, the user will receive a message about which fields need to be filled in. |
Action | Setup Wizard | Start a guide to set up extra fields. |
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | No. | Specifies the field number. |
Field | FieldName | Specifies the system name of the field. |
Field | Type | Specifies the data type of the field. |
Field | Field Caption | Specifies the name of the field. |
Communication Methods
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Type | Specifies the type of this communication method. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Action | Edit | Open the selected communication method in edit mode. |
Action | Show files | Open a list with files according to the current settings. This action will show the files that will be imported when this Communication Method is used to import into the Integration Queue. |
Integration Queue Fixed Asset Journal
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Integration Queue Entry No. | Specifies the entry number for the Integration Queue Entry that this line is connected to. |
Field | Line No. | Specifies the number for this line. |
Field | Journal Template Name | Specifies the name of the journal template to link to the transaction. |
Field | Journal Batch Name | Specifies the name of the journal batch to link to the transaction. |
Field | FA Posting Date | Specifies the posting date of the related fixed asset transaction, such as a depreciation. |
Field | Document Type | Specifies the appropriate document type for the amount you want to post. |
Field | Document No. | Specifies the document number of the transaction in the FA ledger. |
Field | FA No. | Specifies the number of the related fixed asset. |
Field | Depreciation Book Code | Specifies the code for the depreciation book to which the line will be posted. |
Field | FA Posting Type | Specifies the fixed asset posting type. |
Field | Description | Specifies a description of the fixed asset. |
Field | Amount | Specifies the total amount the journal line consists of. |
Field | No. of Depreciation Days | Specifies the number of depreciation days if you have selected the Depreciation or Custom 1 option in the FA Posting Type field. |
Field | Dimension 1 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 2 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 3 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 4 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 5 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 6 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 7 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 8 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 9 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 10 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Manually Changed | Specifies if the line has been manually modified by a user. |
Integration Queue General Journal
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Integration Queue Entry No. | Specifies the entry number for the Integration Queue Entry that this line is connected to. |
Field | Line No. | Specifies the number for this line. |
Field | Journal Template Name | Specifies the name of the journal template to link to the transaction. |
Field | Journal Batch Name | Specifies the name of the journal batch to link to the transaction. |
Field | Document No. | Specifies the document number of the transaction in the general ledger. |
Field | Posting Date | Specifies the date of the transaction in the general ledger, and thereby the fiscal year and period. |
Field | Account Type | Specifies the type of account that the line will be posted to. |
Field | Account No. | Specifies the account that the line will be posted to. |
Field | Amount | Specifies the total amount that the line consists of. The amount can include VAT, especially if Copy VAT Setup to Jnl. Lines is enabled. |
Field | Amount (LCY) | Specifies the total amount in local currency that the line consists of. The amount can include VAT, especially if Copy VAT Setup to Jnl. Lines is enabled. |
Field | Applies-to Doc. No. | Specifies the number of the posted document that this line will be applied to when you post, for example to register a payment. |
Field | Applies-to Doc. Type | Specifies the type of the posted document that this line will be applied to when you post, for example to register a payment. |
Field | Bal. Account No. | Specifies the number of the account that the balancing entry is posted to, such as a general ledger, customer, vendor, or bank account. |
Field | Bal. Account Type | Specifies the type of account that the balancing entry is posted to, such as Bank Account for a cash account. |
Field | Bal. Gen. Bus. Posting Group | Specifies the general business posting group code associated with the balancing account that will be used when you post the entry. |
Field | Bal. Gen. Posting Type | Specifies the general posting type associated with the balancing account that will be used when you post the entry. |
Field | Bal. Gen. Prod. Posting Group | Specifies the general product posting group code associated with the balancing account that will be used when you post the entry. |
Field | Bal. VAT Amount | Specifies the amount of balancing VAT included in the total amount. |
Field | Bal. VAT Base Amount | Specifies the balancing net amount. Useful for entering an amount excluding VAT. |
Field | Bal. VAT Bus. Posting Group | Specifies the VAT business posting group code associated with the balancing account that will be used when you post the entry. |
Field | Bal. VAT Prod. Posting Group | Specifies the VAT product posting group code associated with the balancing account that will be used when you post the entry. |
Field | Bank Payment Type | Specifies the code for the payment type to be used for the entry. |
Field | Business Unit Code | Specifies the code of the business unit that the entry is linked to. |
Field | Country/Region Code | Specifies the code of the country or region. |
Field | Credit Amount | Specifies the credit amount. Amounts entered in this field will automatically be entered with the opposite sign in the Amount field. |
Field | Currency Code | Specifies the code of the currency for the amounts on the line. |
Field | Debit Amount | Specifies the debit amount. Amounts entered in this field will automatically be entered with the same sign in the Amount field. |
Field | Deferral Code | Specifies the deferral template that controls how expenses or revenues are deferred to the different accounting periods in which the expenses or revenues occurred. |
Field | Depreciation Book Code | Specifies the code for the depreciation book to which the line will be posted if you have selected Fixed Asset in the Type field for this line. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description of the line. |
Field | Dimension 1 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 2 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 3 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 4 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 5 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 6 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 7 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 8 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 9 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 10 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Document Date | Specifies the origin date of the related record. |
Field | Document Type | Specifies the type of document that the entry on the line is. |
Field | Due Date | Specifies the date when the related record should be paid. |
Field | External Document No. | Specifies a document number that refers to the customer's or vendor's numbering system. |
Field | FA Posting Date | Specifies the posting date of the related fixed asset transaction, such as a depreciation. |
Field | FA Posting Type | Specifies the type of transaction, if the Account Type field contains Fixed Asset. |
Field | Gen. Bus. Posting Group | Specifies the vendor's or customer's trade type to link transactions made for this business partner with the appropriate general ledger account according to the general posting setup. |
Field | Gen. Posting Type | Specifies the type of transaction it is when VAT is posted. |
Field | Gen. Prod. Posting Group | Specifies the product's type to link transactions made for this product with the appropriate general ledger account according to the general posting setup. |
Field | IC Direction | Specifies the direction of the intercompany transaction. |
Field | IC Partner G/L Acc. No. | Specifies the account number in your IC partner's company that corresponds to the G/L account on the line. |
Field | Incoming Document Entry No. | Specifies the number of the incoming document that this line is created for. |
Field | Job Currency Code | Specifies the job's currency code. |
Field | Job Currency Factor | Specifies the job's currency factor. |
Field | Job Line Amount | Specifies the line amount that will be posted to the job ledger entries. |
Field | Job Line Discount % | Specifies the line discount percentage that will be posted to the job ledger entries. |
Field | Job Line Discount Amount | Specifies the line discount amount that will be posted to the job ledger entries. |
Field | Job Line Type | Specifies the type of planning line to create when a job ledger entry is created. If the field is empty, no planning lines are created. |
Field | Job No. | Specifies the number of the related job. |
Field | Job Quantity | Specifies the quantity for the job ledger entry that is derived from posting the line. If the Job Quantity is 0, the total amount on the job ledger entry will also be 0. |
Field | Job Task No. | Specifies the number of the related job task. |
Field | Job Unit Of Measure Code | Specifies the unit of measure code that is used to determine the unit price. This code specifies how the quantity is measured, for example, by the box or by the piece. The application retrieves this code from the corresponding item or resource card. |
Field | Job Unit Price | Specifies the job unit price for the selected account type and account number on the line. |
Field | No. of Depreciation Days | Specifies the number of depreciation days if you have selected the Depreciation or Custom 1 option in the FA Posting Type field. |
Field | On Hold | Specifies if the entry should be set to On Hold in the vendor ledger entries or customer ledger entries depending on the Account Type. An entry set to On Hold will be paused for payment. |
Field | Payment Discount % | Specifies the payment discount percentage. |
Field | Payment Terms Code | Specifies the code that represents when the payment is due. |
Field | Pmt. Discount Date | Specifies the date of the payment discount. |
Field | Posting Group | Specifies the posting group. |
Field | Quantity | Specifies the quantity of the products on the line. |
Field | Reason Code | Specifies the code that represents why the record is created. Useful for audit trails. |
Field | Salespers./Purch. Code | Specifies the code that represents the salesperson or purchaser who is linked to the line. |
Field | Source Code | Specifies the code that represents the origin of the record. Useful for audit trails. |
Field | VAT Amount | Specifies the amount of VAT that is included in the total amount. |
Field | VAT Base Amount | Specifies the net amount. Useful for entering an amount excluding VAT. |
Field | VAT Bus. Posting Group | Specifies the VAT specification of the involved customer or vendor to link transactions made for this record with the appropriate general ledger account according to the VAT posting setup. |
Field | VAT Prod. Posting Group | Specifies the VAT specification of the involved product to link transactions made for this record with the appropriate general ledger account according to the VAT posting setup. |
Field | Manually Changed | Specifies if the line has been manually modified by a user. |
Integration Queue History Fixed Asset Journal
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Integration Queue Entry No. | Specifies the entry number for the Integration Queue History that this line is connected to. |
Field | Line No. | Specifies the number for this line. |
Field | Journal Template Name | Specifies the name of the journal template to link to the transaction. |
Field | Journal Batch Name | Specifies the name of the journal batch to link to the transaction. |
Field | FA Posting Date | Specifies the posting date of the related fixed asset transaction, such as a depreciation. |
Field | Document Type | Specifies the appropriate document type for the amount you want to post. |
Field | Document No. | Specifies the document number of the transaction in the FA ledger. |
Field | FA No. | Specifies the number of the related fixed asset. |
Field | Depreciation Book Code | Specifies the code for the depreciation book to which the line is posted. |
Field | FA Posting Type | Specifies the posting type of the line. |
Field | Description | Specifies a description of the fixed asset. |
Field | Amount | Specifies the total amount the journal line consists of. |
Field | No. of Depreciation Days | Specifies the number of depreciation days if you have selected the Depreciation or Custom 1 option in the FA Posting Type field. |
Field | Dimension 1 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 2 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 3 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 4 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 5 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 6 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 7 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 8 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 9 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 10 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Posted Entry No. | Specifies the Entry No. in the FA ledger entries. |
Field | FA Register No. | Specifies the number of the FA Register. |
Field | Manually Changed | Specifies if the line has been manually modified by a user. |
Integration Queue History General Journal
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Integration Queue Entry No. | Specifies the entry number for the Integration Queue History that this line is connected to. |
Field | Line No. | Specifies the number for this line. |
Field | Journal Template Name | Specifies the name of the journal template to link to the transaction. |
Field | Journal Batch Name | Specifies the name of the journal batch to link to the transaction. |
Field | Document No. | Specifies the document number of the transaction in the general ledger. |
Field | Posting Date | Specifies the date of the transaction in the general ledger, and thereby the fiscal year and period. |
Field | Account Type | Specifies the type of account that the line will be posted to. |
Field | Account No. | Specifies the account that the line will be posted to. |
Field | Amount | Specifies the total amount that the line consists of. The amount can include VAT, especially if Copy VAT Setup to Jnl. Lines is enabled. |
Field | Amount (LCY) | Specifies the total amount in local currency that the line consists of. The amount can include VAT, especially if Copy VAT Setup to Jnl. Lines is enabled. |
Field | Applies-to Doc. No. | Specifies the number of the posted document that this line will be applied to when you post, for example to register a payment. |
Field | Applies-to Doc. Type | Specifies the type of the posted document that this line will be applied to when you post, for example to register a payment. |
Field | Bal. Account No. | Specifies the number of the account that the balancing entry is posted to, such as a general ledger, customer, vendor, or bank account. |
Field | Bal. Account Type | Specifies the type of account that the balancing entry is posted to, such as Bank Account for a cash account. |
Field | Bal. Gen. Bus. Posting Group | Specifies the general business posting group code associated with the balancing account that will be used when you post the entry. |
Field | Bal. Gen. Posting Type | Specifies the general posting type associated with the balancing account that will be used when you post the entry. |
Field | Bal. Gen. Prod. Posting Group | Specifies the general product posting group code associated with the balancing account that will be used when you post the entry. |
Field | Bal. VAT Amount | Specifies the amount of balancing VAT included in the total amount. |
Field | Bal. VAT Base Amount | Specifies the balancing net amount. Useful for entering an amount excluding VAT. |
Field | Bal. VAT Bus. Posting Group | Specifies the VAT business posting group code associated with the balancing account that will be used when you post the entry. |
Field | Bal. VAT Prod. Posting Group | Specifies the VAT product posting group code associated with the balancing account that will be used when you post the entry. |
Field | Bank Payment Type | Specifies the code for the payment type to be used for the entry. |
Field | Business Unit Code | Specifies the code of the business unit that the entry is linked to. |
Field | Country/Region Code | Specifies the code of the country or region. |
Field | Credit Amount | Specifies the credit amount. Amounts entered in this field will automatically be entered with the opposite sign in the Amount field. |
Field | Currency Code | Specifies the code of the currency for the amounts on the line. |
Field | Debit Amount | Specifies the debit amount. Amounts entered in this field will automatically be entered with the same sign in the Amount field. |
Field | Deferral Code | Specifies the deferral template that controls how expenses or revenues are deferred to the different accounting periods in which the expenses or revenues occurred. |
Field | Depreciation Book Code | Specifies the code for the depreciation book to which the line will be posted if you have selected Fixed Asset in the Type field for this line. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description of the line. |
Field | Dimension 1 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 2 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 3 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 4 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 5 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 6 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 7 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 8 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 9 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Dimension 10 Value | Specifies the code for the dimension configured for this integration. |
Field | Document Date | Specifies the origin date of the related record. |
Field | Document Type | Specifies the type of document that the entry on the line is. |
Field | Due Date | Specifies the date when the related record should be paid. |
Field | External Document No. | Specifies a document number that refers to the customer's or vendor's numbering system. |
Field | FA Posting Date | Specifies the posting date of the related fixed asset transaction, such as a depreciation. |
Field | FA Posting Type | Specifies the type of transaction, if the Account Type field contains Fixed Asset. |
Field | G/L Register No. | Specifies the number of the G/L Register. |
Field | Gen. Bus. Posting Group | Specifies the vendor's or customer's trade type to link transactions made for this business partner with the appropriate general ledger account according to the general posting setup. |
Field | Gen. Posting Type | Specifies the type of transaction it is when VAT is posted. |
Field | Gen. Prod. Posting Group | Specifies the product's type to link transactions made for this product with the appropriate general ledger account according to the general posting setup. |
Field | IC Direction | Specifies the direction of the intercompany transaction. |
Field | IC Partner G/L Acc. No. | Specifies the account number in your IC partner's company that corresponds to the G/L account on the line. |
Field | Incoming Document Entry No. | Specifies the number of the incoming document that this line is created for. |
Field | Job Currency Code | Specifies the job's currency code. |
Field | Job Currency Factor | Specifies the job's currency factor. |
Field | Job Line Amount | Specifies the line amount that will be posted to the job ledger entries. |
Field | Job Line Discount % | Specifies the line discount percentage that will be posted to the job ledger entries. |
Field | Job Line Discount Amount | Specifies the line discount amount that will be posted to the job ledger entries. |
Field | Job Line Type | Specifies the type of planning line to create when a job ledger entry is created. If the field is empty, no planning lines are created. |
Field | Job No. | Specifies the number of the related job. |
Field | Job Quantity | Specifies the quantity for the job ledger entry that is derived from posting the line. If the Job Quantity is 0, the total amount on the job ledger entry will also be 0. |
Field | Job Task No. | Specifies the number of the related job task. |
Field | Job Unit Of Measure Code | Specifies the unit of measure code that is used to determine the unit price. This code specifies how the quantity is measured, for example, by the box or by the piece. The application retrieves this code from the corresponding item or resource card. |
Field | Job Unit Price | Specifies the job unit price for the selected account type and account number on the line. |
Field | No. of Depreciation Days | Specifies the number of depreciation days if you have selected the Depreciation or Custom 1 option in the FA Posting Type field. |
Field | On Hold | Specifies if the entry should be set to On Hold in the vendor ledger entries or customer ledger entries depending on the Account Type. An entry set to On Hold will be paused for payment. |
Field | Payment Discount % | Specifies the payment discount percentage. |
Field | Payment Terms Code | Specifies the code that represents when the payment is due. |
Field | Pmt. Discount Date | Specifies the date of the payment discount. |
Field | Posted Entry No. | Specifies the Entry No. in the general ledger entries. |
Field | Posting Group | Specifies the posting group. |
Field | Quantity | Specifies the quantity of the products on the line. |
Field | Reason Code | Specifies the code that represents why the record is created. Useful for audit trails. |
Field | Salespers./Purch. Code | Specifies the code that represents the salesperson or purchaser who is linked to the line. |
Field | Source Code | Specifies the code that represents the origin of the record. Useful for audit trails. |
Field | VAT Amount | Specifies the amount of VAT that is included in the total amount. |
Field | VAT Base Amount | Specifies the net amount. Useful for entering an amount excluding VAT. |
Field | VAT Bus. Posting Group | Specifies the VAT specification of the involved customer or vendor to link transactions made for this record with the appropriate general ledger account according to the VAT posting setup. |
Field | VAT Prod. Posting Group | Specifies the VAT specification of the involved product to link transactions made for this record with the appropriate general ledger account according to the VAT posting setup. |
Field | Manually Changed | Specifies if the line has been manually modified by a user after the file was imported, but before posting. |
Validation Order
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Integration Setup Code | Specifies the unique identifier of the integration. |
Field | Line No. | Specifies the unique identifier of the line. |
Field | Type | Specifies the type of the line. |
Field | Column No. | Specifies the number of the column in the file. Counted from the left where the first column has the number 1. |
Field | Column Header | Specifies the name of the column header in the file. |
Field | Field No. | Specifies the unique identifier of the field to which the column in the file should be linked. |
Field | Field Caption | Specifies the name of the field to which the column in the file should be linked. |
Action | Up | Move the field one step up in the list to affect the order in which the data is applied. |
Action | Down | Move the field one step down in the list to affect the order in which the data is applied. |
Integration Queue Journal Import Columns
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Integration Setup Code | Specifies the unique identifier of the integration. |
Field | Line No. | Specifies the unique identifier of the line. |
Field | Type | Specifies the type of the line. Select Field or Dimension to specify which column number they have in the file. Select Default Value to add a value that is not in the file. |
Field | Column No. | Specifies the number of the column in the file. Counted from the left where the first column has the number 1. |
Field | Column Header | Specifies the name of the column header in the file. |
Field | Field Name | Specifies the name of the field to which the column in the file should be linked. |
Field | Field No. | Specifies the unique identifier of the field to which the column in the file should be linked. |
Field | Dimension Code | Specifies the code of the dimension to which the column in the file should be linked. |
Field | Default Value | Specifies the unique identifier of the value that should be added to each line. By adding a default value it is possible to add information that is missing from the file. It is possible to select the Assist Edit button if the field has an associated table. |
Field | Validation Order | Specifies the order in which the data is applied. |
Integration Queue Journal Import Setup
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Integration Setup Code | Specifies the unique identifier for this integration. |
Field | File Settings Code | Specifies the unique identifier for the file settings. |
Field | Posting Nos. | Specifies the code for the number series that will be used to assign document numbers to ledger entries that are posted in this integration. This is only used if Document No. is not assigned on the lines. |
Field | Source Code | Specifies the source code that will be assigned to the ledger entries posted in this integration. This is only used if Source Code is not assigned on the lines. |
Field | Default Posting Date | Specifies the date that will be assigned to the entries handled in this integration. Useful if the date is missing from the file. Cannot be combined with specifying the Posting Date field on the Columns FastTab. |
Field | Copy VAT Setup to Jnl. Lines | Specifies whether VAT should be calculated and added to the ledger entries posted in this integration. The posting groups on the chart of accounts will be used for the calculation. |
Field | Check Column Headers | Specifies whether the file's column headers should be checked against what has been set for this integration. This setting is only active if the file setting has Column Headers enabled. |
Field | Language Code | Specifies the language that is used in the file for fields of the Option type. This setting will also affect the language used in any error messages displayed when processing a file. |
Field | General Journal Template Name | Specifies the name of the general journal template that the journal lines will be imported to. |
Field | General Journal Batch Name | Specifies the name of the journal batch that the journal lines will be imported to. |
Field | Require Empty Journal | Specifies whether the journal batch must be empty before the journal lines can be imported. |
Action | Import Template | Import the file that you want to manage in this integration to facilitate the settings on the Columns FastTab. The file needs to contain column headers so that it is possible to link to the correct field. Open the File Settings page to set up the type of file to import. |
Action | Export Template | Create a sample file based on current settings. |
Action | File Settings | Open and edit the settings for the type of file to be handled. |
Action | Validation Order | Specify the order in which the data should be applied. If the business logic requires that a certain field be populated before another field can contain data, you can use the Validation Order field to specify the appropriate processing order. To specify the order, use the Up and Down actions on the Validation Order page. |
Sub page | Columns | Integration Queue Journal Import Columns |
Azure Storage
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Snapshot Id | Specifies the unique snapshot ID. This is used to identify this version of the settings. |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Type | Specifies the type of this Azure Storage. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Path | Specifies the path that will be used with this Azure Storage. |
Field | Prefix | Specifies if a prefix should be used to filter the items in this Azure Storage. |
Field | Authorization Type | Specifies what Authorization Type will be used with this Azure Storage. |
Field | Storage Account Name | Specifies the Storage Account name. |
Field | File Visibility Delay (s) | Specifies the number of seconds until the file is visible. A file or blob that is uploaded to Azure Storage might be visible and readable before it is completely uploaded. To be sure that you are seeing only fully uploaded files or blobs you can configure this delay. If this is greater than 0 only files that are older than the configured number of seconds will be visible for this Communication Method. |
Field | Skip Locked Objects | Specifies if locked objects should be skipped. A file or blob in Azure Storage can be locked by other users, depending on different scenarios. If this option is selected, locked files or blobs are not visible for this Communication Method. |
Field | Auto Create Folders | Specifies that if a file that is exported has a path that does not exist, the system automatically tries to create the missing folder structure. |
Azure Storage
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Type | Specifies the type of this Azure Storage. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Path | Specifies the path that will be used with this Azure Storage. |
Field | Prefix | Specifies if a prefix should be used to filter the items in this Azure Storage. |
Field | Authorization Type | Specifies what Authorization Type will be used with this Azure Storage. |
Field | Storage Account Name | Specifies the Storage Account name. |
Field | Access Key | Specifies the access key used for authentication. This is retrieved from the Storage Account in the Azure Portal. |
Field | Storage Account Name | Specifies the Storage Account name. |
Field | SAS Token | Specifies the SAS Token that will be used for authentication. This is retrieved from Storage Account in the Azure Portal. After a new "Shared access signature" (SAS) has been generated the value in the "SAS token" field should be copied and pasted into this field. |
Field | File Visibility Delay (s) | Specifies the number of seconds until the file is visible. A file or blob that is uploaded to Azure Storage might be visible and readable before it is completely uploaded. To be sure that you are seeing only fully uploaded files or blobs you can configure this delay. If this is greater than 0 only files that are older than the configured number of seconds will be visible for this Communication Method. |
Field | Skip Locked Objects | Specifies if locked objects should be skipped. A file or blob in Azure Storage can be locked by other users, depending on different scenarios. If this option is selected, locked files or blobs are not visible for this Communication Method. |
Field | Auto Create Folders | Specifies that if a file that is exported has a path that does not exist, the system automatically tries to create the missing folder structure. |
Action | Explore Blob Containers | Open an explorer page, where you can explore the Containers and Blobs in this Azure Storage account. |
Action | Explore File Shares | Open an explorer page, where you can explore the File Shares and Files in this Azure Storage account. |
Action | Show files | Open a list with files or blobs according to the current settings. This will show the files that will be imported when this Communication Method is used to import into the Integration Queue. |
Client File Communication Method Card
Type | Caption | Description | ||||
Field | Code | Specifies the code. | ||||
Field | Description | Specifies the description. | ||||
Field | Dialog Caption | Specifies the caption that will be shown in the open file dialog. | ||||
Field | Extension filter | Specifies an extension filter. It must follow this pattern: |
.docx;.doc | Excel files | .xlsx;.xls'. If not specified all files will be accepted. |
Communication Method Credential
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Authentication Method | Specifies the authentication method. |
Field | Use Custom Azure App Registration | Specifies whether to use the Azure App registration provided by SmartApps or not. Enable this to enter your own Client Id and Client Secret. |
Field | Client Id | Specifies the client id from the App Registration in Azure Active Directory. |
Field | Client Secret | Specifies the client secret from the App Registration in Azure Active Directory. |
Field | AAD Tenant Id | Specifies the id of the AAD tenant used for authentication. If you leave this field empty the ID for the current Azure Active Directory will be used. |
Field | Redirect Url | Specifies the OAuth 2.0 redirect Url of the App Registration in Azure Active Directory. If you leave this field empty the redirect url for Business Central will be used. |
Action | OAuth Scopes | Open a list with OAuth scopes used when authenticating with this credential. |
Action | Verify | Verify the credential with the current setup. |
Communication Method Credentials
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Authentication Method | Specifies the authentication method. |
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Path | Specifies the path. |
Field | Is a file | Specifies if the item is a file or container/directory. |
Field | Name | Specifies the Name of the item. |
Field | Size | Specifies the Size of the item. |
Field | Date | Specifies the Date of the item. |
Field | Time | Specifies the Time of the item. |
Action | Download File | Download the selected item as a file. |
Ftp Communication Method Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Skip Delete on Import | Specifies that the file on the server should not be deleted after import to the Integration Queue. This is useful in rare cases where the server deletes files automatically after they are downloaded. |
Field | Server Name | Specifies the server name, this must be accessible from Azure. |
Field | Port No. | Specifies if any other port than default is being used. |
Field | User Name | Specifies the user name for authentication. |
Field | Password | Specifies the password for authentication. |
Field | Passive Mode | Specifies if passive mode should be used. |
Field | Text Mode | Specifies if Text Mode should be used during file transfer, otherwise Binary Mode is used. |
Field | SITE Command on Connect | Specifies the SITE Command that should be used during connect. |
Field | SITE Reply Expected | Specifies the expected reply of the SITE Command. |
Field | Path | Specifies the remote path. This can be empty. |
Field | File Filter | Specifies the file filter used for listing files. This can be empty. |
Field | Directory Listing Charset | Specifies the charset that should be used for filenames, such as "utf-8", "iso-8859-1", "windows-1252", "ansi", etc. If nothing is specified, the default charset (set by the FTP server) will be used. |
Field | SSL | Specifies if SSL should be used when connecting. |
Field | Implicit FTPS | Specifies if Implicit FTPS should be used when connecting. |
Field | Certificate Subject | Specifies the Certificate Subject that should be used for matching when connecting. |
Field | Certificate Issuer | Specifies the Certificate Issuer that should be used for matching when connecting. |
Field | Skip Certificate Validation | Specifies if any Certificate Validation errors should be ignored when connecting. |
Field | Use Custom API | Specifies whether to use the API provided by SmartApps or not. Enable this to enter your own Azure Function URL and API Key. |
Field | Azure Function Base Url | Specifies the base url for the Azure function. Should be in the format https://[FUNCTION-NAME], where [FUNCTION-NAME] is the name of the App Service (found in the "Overview" page for the App Service in Azure Portal). Disable the Use Custom API toggle to use a Base Url provided by SmartApps. |
Field | Azure Function Api Key | Specifies the unique Api Key that will be used to authenticate against the Azure Function. Disable the Use Custom API toggle to use a Api Key provided by SmartApps. |
Action | Test connection | Test the connection to the server, according to the current settings. |
Action | Show files | Open a list with files according to the current settings. This action will show the files that will be imported when this Communication Method is used to import into the Integration Queue. |
Action | Show Certificate Information | Show information about the certificate used on the ftp server. |
Action | Update Certificate Information | Update the fields "Certificate Issuer" and "Certificate Subject" with the values from the certificate on the ftp server. |
Ftp Communication Method Snapshot Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Snapshot Id | Specifies the unique snapshot ID. This is used to identify this version of the settings. |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Skip Delete on Import | Specifies that the file on the server should not be deleted after import to the Integration Queue. This is useful in rare cases where the server deletes files automatically after they are downloaded. |
Field | Server Name | Specifies the server name, this must be accessible from Azure. |
Field | Port No. | Specifies if any other port than default is being used. |
Field | User Name | Specifies the user name for authentication. |
Field | Passive Mode | Specifies if passive mode should be used. |
Field | Text Mode | Specifies if Text Mode should be used during file transfer, otherwise Binary Mode is used. |
Field | SITE Command on Connect | Specifies the SITE Command that should be used during connect. |
Field | SITE Reply Expected | Specifies the expected reply of the SITE Command. |
Field | Path | Specifies the remote path. This can be empty. |
Field | File Filter | Specifies the file filter used for listing files. This can be empty. |
Field | Directory Listing Charset | Specifies the charset that should be used for filenames, such as "utf-8", "iso-8859-1", "windows-1252", "ansi", etc. If nothing is specified, the default charset (set by the FTP server) will be used. |
Field | SSL | Specifies if SSL should be used when connecting. |
Field | Implicit FTPS | Specifies if Implicit FTPS should be used when connecting. |
Field | Certificate Subject | Specifies the Certificate Subject that should be used for matching when connecting. |
Field | Certificate Issuer | Specifies the Certificate Issuer that should be used for matching when connecting. |
Field | Skip Certificate Validation | Specifies if any Certificate Validation errors should be ignored when connecting. |
Field | Use Custom API | Specifies whether to use the API provided by SmartApps or not. Enable this to enter your own Azure Function URL and API Key. |
Field | Azure Function Base Url | Specifies the base url for the Azure function. Should be in the format https://[FUNCTION-NAME], where [FUNCTION-NAME] is the name of the App Service (found in the "Overview" page for the App Service in Azure Portal). |
Http Communication Method Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Base Url | Specifies the Base Url that will be used when doing the Http Call. This url will prefix any call specific parts of the final url. |
Field | User Name | Specifies the username for basic authentication. Leave this empty for anonymous access. |
Field | Password | Specifies the password used together with the User Name for basic authentication. |
Field | Timeout | Specifies a timeout (in ms) for this Http Call. |
Field | Credential Code | Specifies the code of the credential to use when connecting. |
Action | HTTP Headers | Open a list with Request and Content headers used for this Http Call. |
Http Header Snapshot
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Snapshot Id | Specifies the unique snapshot ID. This is used to identify this version of the settings. |
Field | Name | Specifies the name. |
Field | Type | Specifies the header type. |
Field | Value | Specifies the value. |
Http Headers
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code of the related Communication Method. |
Field | Type | Specifies the header type. |
Field | Name | Specifies the name of the header. |
Field | Value | Specifies the value of the header. |
Http Communication Method Snapshot Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Snapshot Id | Specifies the unique snapshot ID. This is used to identify this version of the settings. |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Base Url | Specifies the Base Url that will be used when doing the Http Call. This url will prefix any call specific parts of the final url. |
Field | User Name | Specifies the username for basic authentication. Leave this empty for anonymous access. |
Field | Timeout | Specifies a timeout (in ms) for this Http Call. |
Field | Credential Code | Specifies the code of the credential to use when connecting. |
Action | HTTP Headers | Open a list with Request and Content headers used for this Http Call. |
Integration Queue Export Communication Method
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Integration Setup Code | Specifies the Integration Setup Code that will be used when creating new entries in the remote company. |
Field | AAD Tenant Id | Specifies the id or domain name of the AAD tenant of the remote environment. |
Field | Environment Name | Specifies the name of the remote environment. |
Field | Company Name | Specifies the name of the remote company. |
Field | Service Url | Specifies the Service Url that will be used when doing the calls. For OnPrem use only. |
Field | Service Url Preview | Specifies the Service Url that will be used when doing the calls. |
Field | User Name | Specifies the username for basic authentication. For OnPrem use only. |
Field | Password | Specifies the password used together with the User Name for basic authentication. For OnPrem use only. |
Field | Timeout | Specifies a timeout (in ms) for the Http Call. |
Field | Credential Code | Specifies the code of the credential to use when connecting. |
Integration Queue Export Communication Method Snapshot
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Snapshot Id | Specifies the unique snapshot ID. This is used to identify this version of the settings. |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Integration Setup Code | Specifies the Integration Setup Code that will be used when creating new entries in the remote company. |
Field | AAD Tenant Id | Specifies the id or domain name of the AAD tenant of the remote environment. |
Field | Environment Name | Specifies the name of the remote environment. |
Field | Company Name | Specifies the name of the remote company. |
Field | Service Url | Specifies the Service Url that will be used when doing the calls. For OnPrem use only. |
Field | User Name | Specifies the username for basic authentication. For OnPrem use only. |
Field | Timeout | Specifies a timeout (in ms) for this Http Call. |
Field | Credential Code | Specifies the code of the credential to use when connecting. |
Credential OAuth Scopes
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Scope | Specifies the scope. |
Action | Add Scope for Business Central | Delete all existing scopes and add a scope for connecting to Business Central. |
Action | Add Scope for SharePoint Online | Delete all existing scopes and add a scope for connecting to SharePoint Online. |
S/Ftp Communication Method Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Skip Delete on Import | Specifies that the file on the server should not be deleted after import to the Integration Queue. This is useful in rare cases where the server deletes files automatically after they are downloaded. |
Field | Server Name | Specifies the server name, this must be accessible from Azure. |
Field | Port No. | Specifies if any other port than default is being used. |
Field | User Name | Specifies the user name for authentication. |
Field | Password | Specifies the password for authentication. |
Field | Private Key Code | Specifies the code for the private key used for authentication. |
Field | Path | Specifies the remote path. This can be empty. |
Field | File Filter | Specifies the file filter used for listing files. This can be empty. |
Field | Timeout | Specifies a timeout (in s). |
Field | Filename Charset | Specifies the charset that should be used for filenames, such as "utf-8", "iso-8859-1", "windows-1252", "ansi", etc. If nothing is specified, the default charset will be used (normally utf-8). |
Field | Use Custom API | Specifies whether to use the API provided by SmartApps or not. Enable this to enter your own Azure Function URL and API Key. |
Field | Azure Function Base Url | Specifies the base url for the Azure function. Should be in the format https://[FUNCTION-NAME], where [FUNCTION-NAME] is the name of the App Service (found in the "Overview" page for the App Service in Azure Portal). Disable the Use Custom API toggle to use a Base Url provided by SmartApps. |
Field | Azure Function Api Key | Specifies the unique Api Key that will be used to authenticate against the Azure Function. Disable the Use Custom API toggle to use a API Key provided by SmartApps. |
Action | Test connection | Test the connection to the server, according to the current settings. |
Action | Show files | Open a list with files according to the current settings. This action will show the files that will be imported when this Communication Method is used to import into the Integration Queue. |
S/Ftp Communication Method Snapshot Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Snapshot Id | Specifies the unique snapshot ID. This is used to identify this version of the settings. |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Skip Delete on Import | Specifies that the file on the server should not be deleted after import to the Integration Queue. This is useful in rare cases where the server deletes files automatically after they are downloaded. |
Field | Server Name | Specifies the server name, this must be accessible from Azure. |
Field | Port No. | Specifies if any other port than default is being used. |
Field | User Name | Specifies the user name for authentication. |
Field | Private Key Code | Specifies the code for the private key used for authentication. |
Field | Path | Specifies the remote path. This can be empty. |
Field | File Filter | Specifies the file filter used for listing files. This can be empty. |
Field | Timeout | Specifies a timeout (in s). |
Field | Filename Charset | Specifies the charset that should be used for filenames, such as "utf-8", "iso-8859-1", "windows-1252", "ansi", etc. If nothing is specified, the default charset will be used (normally utf-8). |
Field | Use Custom API | Specifies whether to use the API provided by SmartApps or not. Enable this to enter your own Azure Function URL and API Key. |
Field | Azure Function Base Url | Specifies the base url for the Azure function. Should be in the format https://[FUNCTION-NAME], where [FUNCTION-NAME] is the name of the App Service (found in the "Overview" page for the App Service in Azure Portal). |
SharePoint Communication Method Snapshot Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Snapshot Id | Specifies the unique snapshot ID. This is used to identify this version of the settings. |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Skip Delete on Import | Specifies whether the file should remain on SharePoint after it has been imported into the integration queue. Usually the file is deleted during import, but sometimes it can be good not to delete it. |
Field | Site URL | Specifies the URL of the SharePoint site. This field must contain the full address of the site on which the document library is located. Example if the document library is located on "SubSite": |
Field | Site Relative URL | Specifies the relative URL of the SharePoint site. If the document library on "SubSite" (hover over the Site URL field) is named "Shared Documents" and contains a subfolder, this field should contain: Shared Documents/SubFolder/ |
Field | File Filter | Specifies the file filter used for listing files. This can be empty. |
Field | Credential Code | Specifies the code of the credential to use when connecting. |
SharePoint Communication Method Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Skip Delete on Import | Specifies whether the file should remain on SharePoint after it has been imported into the integration queue. Usually the file is deleted during import, but sometimes it can be good not to delete it. |
Field | Site URL | Specifies the URL of the SharePoint site. This field must contain the full address of the site on which the document library is located. Example if the document library is located on "SubSite": |
Field | Site Relative URL | Specifies the relative URL of the SharePoint site. If the document library on "SubSite" (hover over the Site URL field) is named "Shared Documents" and contains a subfolder, this field should contain: Shared Documents/SubFolder/ |
Field | File Filter | Specifies the file filter used for listing files. This can be empty. |
Field | Credential Code | Specifies the code of the credential to use when connecting. |
Action | Show files | Open a list with files according to the current settings. This action will show the files that will be imported when this Communication Method is used to import into the Integration Queue. |
Import SIE (SweBase) Setup
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | SIE Import Code | Specifies the SIE Import Code that will be used for importing the SIE file. |
Transfer Data Setup
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Export Integration Setup Code | Specifies the Integration that will be used for exporting the data in the current Integration. The selected Integration must have "Export Data" as Integration Type. |
XmlPort Import Setup
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | XmlPort No. | Specifies the number of the XmlPort that will be used when importing. |
Field | XmlPort Name | Specifies the name of the XmlPort that will be used when importing. |
Integration Categories
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the value of the code field. |
Field | Description | Specifies the value of the description field. |
Field | Mutex Timeout (s) | Specifies a timeout used when obtaining a mutex for the integration queue. If the mutex cannot be obtained within the specified timeout, the integration will be aborted. A value of 0 indicates that no timeout should be used. |
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code for this Integration. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description for this Integration. |
Field | Integration Type | Specifies the type of this Integration. This will affect how the Integration Queue handles this Integration. |
Field | Integration Category Code | Specifies a category for this Integration. Integrations in the same category cannot be run simultaneously. If an integration queue entry is linked to another, the category of the linked entry will be used. |
Field | Include in Import | Specifies if this Integration will be included in imports or not. |
Field | Error in Import Queue | Specifies if there is a record in the Import Queue for this Integration. Normally, if there are no issues, there should be no records in the Import Queue. |
Field | Count in Queue | Specifies how many records this Integration has in the Integration Queue. |
Field | Count in History | Specifies how many records this Integration has in the Integration Queue History. |
Field | Job Queue Entries | Specifies how many Job Queue Entries that are set up for this integration. |
Field | Import Order | Specifies the order in which import should be done. |
Field | Process in Order | Specifies if records in this Integration has to be processed in Entry No. order. If this is not selected Integration records can be processed in any order. |
Field | Don't save history | Specifies if history should not be kept at all. |
Field | Save History (weeks) | Specifies for how long the history for this Integration should be kept. The cleanup of the history is done by scheduling the codeunit 70314088 (QWESR JQ IQ Cleanup). Keep all history by entering 0 or empty. |
Field | Allow Deletion | Specifies if it is allowed to delete Integrations records for this Integration. |
Field | Dupe Check only on Name | Specifies if the duplicate import check should be done only by name. If this is not selected the duplicate check will also be done by checking the timestamp. |
Field | Communication Method | Specifies the Communication Method to be used, if any. |
Field | Inactive | Specifies if this Integration is inactive. |
Field | Skip Dupe Check | Specifies if the duplicate import check should be skipped during import. |
Action | Import Selected | Import the selected Integrations. |
Action | Process Selected | Process the selected Integrations. |
Action | Import and Process Selected | Import and process the selected Integrations. |
Action | Select file and Import | Manually select a local file to import. This is useful when the normal import has failed for some reason and you've got a local copy of a file that needs to be imported. |
Integration Queue
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Entry No. | Specifies the unique Entry No. for this record. |
Field | Linked to Entry No. | Specifies if this record is linked to another record, and if so, this is the Entry No. of the linked record. |
Field | Integration Setup Code | Specifies the Integration Setup Code that was used when this record was created. |
Field | Function Data | Specifies if there are any function data on this record. Function Data could be the data used for initiating this record, depending on the Communication Method used. Use the Show Function Data action to show the function data. |
Field | Data | Specifies if there are any data on this record. The Data could be any data that is imported to this record, depending on the Communication Method used. Use the Show Data action to show the data. |
Field | Created | Specifies when this record was created. |
Field | Next Step | Specifies the next step that will be processed for this record. |
Field | Name | Specifies the name that was specified when this record was created. This is often a file name. |
Field | Import Path | Specifies the path that was used when importing data to this record. This is often a remote file path. |
Field | Source Created | Specifies when the source data of this record was created. This is often the time stamp of the imported file. |
Field | Manually Imported | Specifies if this record was imported manually. |
Action | Import and Process All | Import all active integrations that is specified to be imported and then process all records in the Integration Queue. |
Action | Process Line One Step | Process the selected line one step. This can be useful when troubleshooting an Integration. |
Action | Process Selected Lines | Process all steps for the selected lines. |
Action | Details | Shows any related details for this record. The Integration Type on this record decides if there will be any details to show. |
Action | Import | Import all active Integrations that is specified to be imported. |
Action | Select and Import | Select an Integration to import. |
Action | Select file and Import | Manually select a local file to import. This is useful when the normal import has failed for some reason and you've got a local copy of a file that needs to be imported. |
Action | Export Files | Export the data from the selected records to a zip file that is downloaded. |
Action | Allow Deletion One Line | Use this action to allow deletion of one single record. A record in this table should normally not be deleted, but could sometimes be necessary, e.g., when you will import a corrected file later. |
Action | Show Data | Use this function to export the Data on this record to a text file that can be opened locally. |
Action | Show Function Data | Use this function to export the Function Data on this record to a text file that can be opened locally. |
Action | Show Error Call Stack | Show the Error Call Stack for the selected record. |
Sub page | Import Queue | Integration Queue Import |
Integration Queue History
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Entry No. | Specifies the unique Entry No. for this record. |
Field | Linked to Entry No. | Specifies if this record is linked to another record, and if so, this is the Entry No. of the linked record. |
Field | Integration Setup Code | Specifies the Integration Setup Code that was used when this record was created. |
Field | Integration Type | Specifies the Integration Type of this record. |
Field | Function Data | Specifies if there are any Function Data on this record. Function Data could be the data used for initiating this record, depending on the Communication Method used. Use the Show Function Data action to show the Function Data. |
Field | Data | Specifies if there are any Data on this record. The Data could be any data that is imported to this record, depending on the Communication Method used. Use the Show Data action to show the Data. |
Field | Created | Specifies when this record was created. |
Field | Deleted | Specifies if this record was deleted from the Integration Queue, instead of completed normally. |
Field | Deleted at Step | Specifies the step that this record should have processed next when it was deleted. |
Field | Name | Specifies the name that was specified when this record was created. This is often a file name. |
Field | Import Path | Specifies the path that was used when importing data to this record. This is often a remote file path. |
Field | Source Created | Specifies when the source data of this record was created. This is often the time stamp of the imported file. |
Field | Manually Imported | Specifies if this record was imported manually. |
Field | Error message | Specifies the Error Message for this record, if any. |
Field | Archived Time | Specifies the time that this record was archived. |
Field | User ID | Specifies the User ID of the user that either archived this record by completing all its steps, or the user that deleted this record from the Integration Queue. |
Field | External ID | Specifies an id given by an external system. |
Field | G/L Register No. | Specifies the number of the G/L Register to which the transactions were posted. |
Action | Details | Show any related details for this record. The Integration Type on this record decides if there will be any details to show. |
Action | Communication Method | Show a page with the snapshot of the Communication Method settings used when this record was created. |
Action | Find Entries... | Use this function to analyze this record. The Integration Type decides if there is anything to analyze or not. |
Action | Export Files | Export the data from the selected records to a zip file that is downloaded. |
Action | Clean Up | Delete Integration Queue History records according to the settings on respective Integration. |
Action | Show Data | Use this function to export the Data on this record to a text file that can be opened locally. |
Action | Show Function Data | Use this function to export the Function Data on this record to a text file that can be opened locally. |
Integration Queue Import
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Integration Setup Code | Specifies the integration setup code of the record being imported. |
Field | Integration Type | Specifies the integration type of the record being imported. |
Field | Next Import Step | Specifies the next import step that will be processed, this is also the step that just failed. |
Field | Linked to Entry No. | Specifies if there is a linked entry. |
Field | Function Data | Specifies if there exist any function data. |
Field | Data | Specifies if there exist any data. |
Field | Communication Method Type | Specifies the communication method type used when importing the record. |
Field | Created | Specifies the created date and time. |
Field | Name | Specifies the name. |
Field | Import Path | Specifies the import path from where this record was imported. |
Field | Source Created | Specifies the date and time of when the source was created. |
Field | Manually Imported | Specifies if this record was manually imported. |
Field | External ID | Specifies an external ID. |
Field | User ID | Specifies the user ID that created this record. |
Action | Delete | Delete the selected record if possible. |
Action | Finalize Selected Lines | Finalize the selected lines. |
Action | Finalize Line | Finalize the selected line. |
Action | Show Data | Show any Data on the selected record. |
Action | Show Function Data | Show any Function Data on the selected record. |
Action | Allow Deletion One Line | Allow deletion of one record in this table. |
Action | Show Error Call Stack | Show the Error Call Stack for the selected record. |
Integration Setup
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code for this Integration. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description for this Integration. |
Field | Integration Type | Specifies the Type of this Integration. This will affect how the Integration Queue handles this Integration. |
Field | Integration Category Code | Specifies a category for this Integration. Integrations in the same category cannot be run simultaneously. If an integration queue entry is linked to another, the category of the linked entry will be used. |
Field | Include in Import | Specifies if this Integration will be included in imports or not. |
Field | Import Order | Specifies the order in which import should be done. |
Field | Process in Order | Specifies if records in this Integration has to be processed in Entry No. order. If this is not selected Integration records can be processed in any order. |
Field | Don't save history | Specifies if history should not be kept at all. |
Field | Save History (weeks) | Specifies for how long the history for this Integration should be kept. The cleanup of the history is done by scheduling the codeunit 70314088 (QWESR JQ IQ Cleanup). Keep all history by entering 0 or empty. |
Field | Allow Deletion | Specifies if it is allowed to delete Integration records for this Integration. |
Field | Dupe Check only on Name | Specifies if the duplicate import check should be done only by name. If this is not selected the duplicate check will also be done by checking the timestamp. |
Field | Communication Method | Specifies the Communication Method to be used, if any. |
Field | Inactive | Specifies if this Integration is inactive. |
Field | Skip Dupe Check | Specifies if the duplicate import check should be skipped during import. |
Action | Additional Settings | Open additional settings that is needed for this Integration. The Integration Type decides if this is needed or not. |
Integration Setup Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code for this Integration. |
Field | Integration Type | Specifies the Type of this Integration. This will affect how the Integration Queue handles this Integration. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description for this Integration. |
Field | Integration Category Code | Specifies a category for this Integration. Integrations in the same category cannot be run simultaneously. If an integration queue entry is linked to another, the category of the linked entry will be used. |
Field | Inactive | Specifies if this Integration is active or inactive. Inactive Integrations will not be imported or processed automatically. |
Field | Communication Method | Specifies the Communication Method to be used, if any. |
Field | Include in Import | Specifies if this Integration will be included in imports or not. |
Field | Import Order | Specifies the order in which import should be done. |
Field | Save History (weeks) | Specifies for how long the history for this Integration should be kept. The cleanup of the history is done by scheduling the codeunit 70314088 (QWESR JQ IQ Cleanup). Keep all history by entering 0 or empty. |
Field | Don't save history | Specifies if history should not be kept at all. |
Field | Dupe Check only on Name | Specifies if the duplicate import check should be done only by name. If this is not selected the duplicate check will also be done by checking the timestamp. |
Field | Skip Dupe Check | Specifies if the duplicate import check should be skipped during import. |
Field | Process in Order | Specifies if records in this Integration has to be processed in Entry No. order, which corresponds to the same as "Import Order". If this is not selected Integration records can be processed in any order. |
Field | Allow Deletion | Specifies if it is allowed to delete Integration records for this Integration. |
Action | Additional Settings | Open additional settings that is needed for this Integration. The Integration Type decides if this is needed or not. |
Integration Setups
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code for this Integration. |
Field | Integration Type | Specifies the Type of this Integration. This will affect how the Integration Queue handles this Integration. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description for this Integration. |
Field | Include in Import | Specifies if this Integration will be included in imports or not. |
Field | Communication Method | Specifies the Communication Method to be used, if any. |
Mandatory Fields
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Table No. | Specifies the table number of the table that has mandatory fields. |
Field | Field No. | Specifies the field number of the field that is mandatory. |
Field | Table Name | Specifies the table name of the table that has mandatory fields. |
Field | Table Caption | Specifies the table caption of the table that has mandatory fields. |
Field | Field Name | Specifies the field name of the field that is mandatory. |
Field | Field Caption | Specifies the field caption of the field that is mandatory. |
SSH Private Keys
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Code | Specifies the code. |
Field | Description | Specifies the description. |
Field | Private Key Exists | Specifies if a private key exists. |
Field | Password | Specifies the password for the private key. |
Action | Upload Privat Key | Upload a private key from file. This will be encrypted and saved on the active record. |
WS Item
Type | Caption | Description |
WS S. Return Receipt
Type | Caption | Description |
WS Sales Order
Type | Caption | Description |
WS Sales Return Order
Type | Caption | Description |
WS Sales Shipment
Type | Caption | Description |
Web Services
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Object Type | Specifies the type of the object. |
Field | Object ID | Specifies the ID of the object. |
Field | Service Name | Specifies the name of the service. |
Page Extensions
Customer Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Extra Code 1 | Specifies the value of the extra code 1 field. |
Field | Extra Code 2 | Specifies the value of the extra code 2 field. |
Field | Extra Code 3 | Specifies the value of the extra code 3 field. |
Field | Extra Code 4 | Specifies the value of the extra code 4 field. |
Field | Extra Code 5 | Specifies the value of the extra code 5 field. |
Field | Extra Code 6 | Specifies the value of the extra code 6 field. |
Field | Extra Code 7 | Specifies the value of the extra code 7 field. |
Field | Extra Code 8 | Specifies the value of the extra code 8 field. |
Field | Extra Text 1 | Specifies the value of the extra text 1 field. |
Field | Extra Text 2 | Specifies the value of the extra text 2 field. |
Field | Extra Text 3 | Specifies the value of the extra text 3 field. |
Field | Extra Text 4 | Specifies the value of the extra text 4 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 1 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 1 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 2 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 2 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 3 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 3 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 4 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 4 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 1 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 1 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 2 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 2 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 3 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 3 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 4 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 4 field. |
Field | Extra Date 1 | Specifies the value of the extra date 1 field. |
Field | Extra Date 2 | Specifies the value of the extra date 2 field. |
Field | Extra Date 3 | Specifies the value of the extra date 3 field. |
Field | Extra Date 4 | Specifies the value of the extra date 4 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 1 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 1 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 2 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 2 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 3 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 3 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 4 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 4 field. |
Customer List
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Extra Code 1 | Specifies the value of the extra code 1 field. |
Field | Extra Code 2 | Specifies the value of the extra code 2 field. |
Field | Extra Code 3 | Specifies the value of the extra code 3 field. |
Field | Extra Code 4 | Specifies the value of the extra code 4 field. |
Field | Extra Code 5 | Specifies the value of the extra code 5 field. |
Field | Extra Code 6 | Specifies the value of the extra code 6 field. |
Field | Extra Code 7 | Specifies the value of the extra code 7 field. |
Field | Extra Code 8 | Specifies the value of the extra code 8 field. |
Field | Extra Text 1 | Specifies the value of the extra text 1 field. |
Field | Extra Text 2 | Specifies the value of the extra text 2 field. |
Field | Extra Text 3 | Specifies the value of the extra text 3 field. |
Field | Extra Text 4 | Specifies the value of the extra text 4 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 1 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 1 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 2 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 2 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 3 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 3 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 4 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 4 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 1 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 1 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 2 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 2 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 3 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 3 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 4 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 4 field. |
Field | Extra Date 1 | Specifies the value of the extra date 1 field. |
Field | Extra Date 2 | Specifies the value of the extra date 2 field. |
Field | Extra Date 3 | Specifies the value of the extra date 3 field. |
Field | Extra Date 4 | Specifies the value of the extra date 4 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 1 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 1 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 2 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 2 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 3 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 3 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 4 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 4 field. |
Sub page | Extra Fields | Extra Fields |
Customer Templ. Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Extra Code 1 | Specifies the value of the extra code 1 field. |
Field | Extra Code 2 | Specifies the value of the extra code 2 field. |
Field | Extra Code 3 | Specifies the value of the extra code 3 field. |
Field | Extra Code 4 | Specifies the value of the extra code 4 field. |
Field | Extra Code 5 | Specifies the value of the extra code 5 field. |
Field | Extra Code 6 | Specifies the value of the extra code 6 field. |
Field | Extra Code 7 | Specifies the value of the extra code 7 field. |
Field | Extra Code 8 | Specifies the value of the extra code 8 field. |
Field | Extra Text 1 | Specifies the value of the extra text 1 field. |
Field | Extra Text 2 | Specifies the value of the extra text 2 field. |
Field | Extra Text 3 | Specifies the value of the extra text 3 field. |
Field | Extra Text 4 | Specifies the value of the extra text 4 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 1 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 1 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 2 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 2 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 3 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 3 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 4 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 4 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 1 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 1 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 2 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 2 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 3 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 3 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 4 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 4 field. |
Field | Extra Date 1 | Specifies the value of the extra date 1 field. |
Field | Extra Date 2 | Specifies the value of the extra date 2 field. |
Field | Extra Date 3 | Specifies the value of the extra date 3 field. |
Field | Extra Date 4 | Specifies the value of the extra date 4 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 1 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 1 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 2 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 2 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 3 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 3 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 4 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 4 field. |
Item Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Extra Code 1 | Specifies the value of the extra code 1 field. |
Field | Extra Code 2 | Specifies the value of the extra code 2 field. |
Field | Extra Code 3 | Specifies the value of the extra code 3 field. |
Field | Extra Code 4 | Specifies the value of the extra code 4 field. |
Field | Extra Code 5 | Specifies the value of the extra code 5 field. |
Field | Extra Code 6 | Specifies the value of the extra code 6 field. |
Field | Extra Code 7 | Specifies the value of the extra code 7 field. |
Field | Extra Code 8 | Specifies the value of the extra code 8 field. |
Field | Extra Text 1 | Specifies the value of the extra text 1 field. |
Field | Extra Text 2 | Specifies the value of the extra text 2 field. |
Field | Extra Text 3 | Specifies the value of the extra text 3 field. |
Field | Extra Text 4 | Specifies the value of the extra text 4 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 1 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 1 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 2 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 2 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 3 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 3 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 4 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 4 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 1 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 1 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 2 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 2 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 3 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 3 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 4 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 4 field. |
Field | Extra Date 1 | Specifies the value of the extra date 1 field. |
Field | Extra Date 2 | Specifies the value of the extra date 2 field. |
Field | Extra Date 3 | Specifies the value of the extra date 3 field. |
Field | Extra Date 4 | Specifies the value of the extra date 4 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 1 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 1 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 2 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 2 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 3 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 3 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 4 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 4 field. |
Item List
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Extra Code 1 | Specifies the value of the extra code 1 field. |
Field | Extra Code 2 | Specifies the value of the extra code 2 field. |
Field | Extra Code 3 | Specifies the value of the extra code 3 field. |
Field | Extra Code 4 | Specifies the value of the extra code 4 field. |
Field | Extra Code 5 | Specifies the value of the extra code 5 field. |
Field | Extra Code 6 | Specifies the value of the extra code 6 field. |
Field | Extra Code 7 | Specifies the value of the extra code 7 field. |
Field | Extra Code 8 | Specifies the value of the extra code 8 field. |
Field | Extra Text 1 | Specifies the value of the extra text 1 field. |
Field | Extra Text 2 | Specifies the value of the extra text 2 field. |
Field | Extra Text 3 | Specifies the value of the extra text 3 field. |
Field | Extra Text 4 | Specifies the value of the extra text 4 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 1 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 1 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 2 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 2 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 3 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 3 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 4 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 4 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 1 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 1 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 2 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 2 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 3 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 3 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 4 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 4 field. |
Field | Extra Date 1 | Specifies the value of the extra date 1 field. |
Field | Extra Date 2 | Specifies the value of the extra date 2 field. |
Field | Extra Date 3 | Specifies the value of the extra date 3 field. |
Field | Extra Date 4 | Specifies the value of the extra date 4 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 1 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 1 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 2 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 2 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 3 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 3 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 4 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 4 field. |
Sub page | Extra Fields | Extra Fields |
Item Templ. Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Extra Code 1 | Specifies the value of the extra code 1 field. |
Field | Extra Code 2 | Specifies the value of the extra code 2 field. |
Field | Extra Code 3 | Specifies the value of the extra code 3 field. |
Field | Extra Code 4 | Specifies the value of the extra code 4 field. |
Field | Extra Code 5 | Specifies the value of the extra code 5 field. |
Field | Extra Code 6 | Specifies the value of the extra code 6 field. |
Field | Extra Code 7 | Specifies the value of the extra code 7 field. |
Field | Extra Code 8 | Specifies the value of the extra code 8 field. |
Field | Extra Text 1 | Specifies the value of the extra text 1 field. |
Field | Extra Text 2 | Specifies the value of the extra text 2 field. |
Field | Extra Text 3 | Specifies the value of the extra text 3 field. |
Field | Extra Text 4 | Specifies the value of the extra text 4 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 1 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 1 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 2 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 2 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 3 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 3 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 4 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 4 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 1 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 1 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 2 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 2 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 3 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 3 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 4 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 4 field. |
Field | Extra Date 1 | Specifies the value of the extra date 1 field. |
Field | Extra Date 2 | Specifies the value of the extra date 2 field. |
Field | Extra Date 3 | Specifies the value of the extra date 3 field. |
Field | Extra Date 4 | Specifies the value of the extra date 4 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 1 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 1 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 2 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 2 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 3 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 3 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 4 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 4 field. |
Vendor Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Extra Code 1 | Specifies the value of the extra code 1 field. |
Field | Extra Code 2 | Specifies the value of the extra code 2 field. |
Field | Extra Code 3 | Specifies the value of the extra code 3 field. |
Field | Extra Code 4 | Specifies the value of the extra code 4 field. |
Field | Extra Code 5 | Specifies the value of the extra code 5 field. |
Field | Extra Code 6 | Specifies the value of the extra code 6 field. |
Field | Extra Code 7 | Specifies the value of the extra code 7 field. |
Field | Extra Code 8 | Specifies the value of the extra code 8 field. |
Field | Extra Text 1 | Specifies the value of the extra text 1 field. |
Field | Extra Text 2 | Specifies the value of the extra text 2 field. |
Field | Extra Text 3 | Specifies the value of the extra text 3 field. |
Field | Extra Text 4 | Specifies the value of the extra text 4 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 1 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 1 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 2 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 2 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 3 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 3 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 4 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 4 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 1 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 1 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 2 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 2 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 3 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 3 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 4 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 4 field. |
Field | Extra Date 1 | Specifies the value of the extra date 1 field. |
Field | Extra Date 2 | Specifies the value of the extra date 2 field. |
Field | Extra Date 3 | Specifies the value of the extra date 3 field. |
Field | Extra Date 4 | Specifies the value of the extra date 4 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 1 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 1 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 2 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 2 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 3 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 3 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 4 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 4 field. |
Vendor List
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Extra Code 1 | Specifies the value of the extra code 1 field. |
Field | Extra Code 2 | Specifies the value of the extra code 2 field. |
Field | Extra Code 3 | Specifies the value of the extra code 3 field. |
Field | Extra Code 4 | Specifies the value of the extra code 4 field. |
Field | Extra Code 5 | Specifies the value of the extra code 5 field. |
Field | Extra Code 6 | Specifies the value of the extra code 6 field. |
Field | Extra Code 7 | Specifies the value of the extra code 7 field. |
Field | Extra Code 8 | Specifies the value of the extra code 8 field. |
Field | Extra Text 1 | Specifies the value of the extra text 1 field. |
Field | Extra Text 2 | Specifies the value of the extra text 2 field. |
Field | Extra Text 3 | Specifies the value of the extra text 3 field. |
Field | Extra Text 4 | Specifies the value of the extra text 4 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 1 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 1 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 2 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 2 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 3 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 3 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 4 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 4 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 1 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 1 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 2 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 2 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 3 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 3 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 4 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 4 field. |
Field | Extra Date 1 | Specifies the value of the extra date 1 field. |
Field | Extra Date 2 | Specifies the value of the extra date 2 field. |
Field | Extra Date 3 | Specifies the value of the extra date 3 field. |
Field | Extra Date 4 | Specifies the value of the extra date 4 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 1 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 1 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 2 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 2 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 3 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 3 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 4 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 4 field. |
Sub page | Extra Fields | Extra Fields |
Vendor Templ. Card
Type | Caption | Description |
Field | Extra Code 1 | Specifies the value of the extra code 1 field. |
Field | Extra Code 2 | Specifies the value of the extra code 2 field. |
Field | Extra Code 3 | Specifies the value of the extra code 3 field. |
Field | Extra Code 4 | Specifies the value of the extra code 4 field. |
Field | Extra Code 5 | Specifies the value of the extra code 5 field. |
Field | Extra Code 6 | Specifies the value of the extra code 6 field. |
Field | Extra Code 7 | Specifies the value of the extra code 7 field. |
Field | Extra Code 8 | Specifies the value of the extra code 8 field. |
Field | Extra Text 1 | Specifies the value of the extra text 1 field. |
Field | Extra Text 2 | Specifies the value of the extra text 2 field. |
Field | Extra Text 3 | Specifies the value of the extra text 3 field. |
Field | Extra Text 4 | Specifies the value of the extra text 4 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 1 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 1 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 2 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 2 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 3 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 3 field. |
Field | Extra Decimal 4 | Specifies the value of the extra decimal 4 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 1 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 1 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 2 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 2 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 3 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 3 field. |
Field | Extra Integer 4 | Specifies the value of the extra integer 4 field. |
Field | Extra Date 1 | Specifies the value of the extra date 1 field. |
Field | Extra Date 2 | Specifies the value of the extra date 2 field. |
Field | Extra Date 3 | Specifies the value of the extra date 3 field. |
Field | Extra Date 4 | Specifies the value of the extra date 4 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 1 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 1 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 2 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 2 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 3 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 3 field. |
Field | Extra Boolean 4 | Specifies the value of the extra boolean 4 field. |