Contract Header
Object Definition
Object Type | Table |
Object ID | 70299079 |
Object Name | QWEPR Contract Header |
Name | Description |
ContractLinesExist(): Boolean | Gets if there are any Contract Lines on the current Contract. |
CreateDim(List of [Dictionary of [Integer, Code[20]]]) | Adds dimension values to the record, based on default dimension sources provided in pDefaultDimSource. |
CreateDimFromDefaultDim() | Sets dimensions on the Contract Header based on the default dimension sources. |
SetHideValidationDialog(Boolean) | Sets if confirm dialogs will be suppressed. |
ShowDocDim() | Shows the dimensions of the current record in an editable list. |
UpdateAllLineDim(Integer; Integer) | Updates the dimensions on all Contract Lines, based on the dimensions for this record. |
ValidateShortcutDimCode(Integer; Code[20]) | Validates one of the 8 shortcut dimensions on the current record. |
Name | Description |
OnAfterInitDefaultDimensionSources(Record "QWEPR Contract Header"; List of [Dictionary of [Integer, Code[20]]]) | Raised after the list DefaultDimSource is populated with the default dimension sources for the ContractHeader. |
OnBeforeCreateDim(Record "QWEPR Contract Header"; Boolean) | Raised before the Default Dimensions has been added to the Contract Header. |
OnBeforeShowDocDim(Record "QWEPR Contract Header"; Record "QWEPR Contract Header"; Boolean) | Raised before the dimensions window is shown to the user. |
OnBeforeUpdateAllLineDim(Record "QWEPR Contract Header"; Integer; Integer; Boolean; Record "QWEPR Contract Header") | Raised before the dimensions on the Contract Line are updated from the Contract Header. |
OnBeforeUpdateLocationCode(Record "QWEPR Contract Header"; Code[10]; Boolean) | Raised before the Location Code on the ContractHeader is set. |
OnCreateDimOnBeforeUpdateLines(Record "QWEPR Contract Header"; Record "QWEPR Contract Header"; Integer; Integer) | Raised after the dimensions has been added to the Contract Header, before the Contract lines are updated. |
OnUpdateAllLineDimOnAfterGetContractLineNewDimsetID(Record "QWEPR Contract Header"; Record "QWEPR Contract Header"; Record "QWEPR Contract Line"; Integer; Integer; Integer) | Raised after the Dimension Set is read from the Contract Line, when updating all Contract Line Dimensions from the Contract Header. |
OnUpdateAllLineDimOnBeforeContractLineModify(Record "QWEPR Contract Line") | Raised before the Contract Line is being updated, when updating all Contract Line Dimensions from the Contract Header. |
OnUpdateAllLineDimOnBeforeGetContractLineNewDimSetID(Record "QWEPR Contract Line"; Integer; Integer) | Raised before the Dimension Set is being read from the Contract Line, when updating all Contract Line Dimensions from the Contract Header. |
Number | Name | Type |
1 | Document Type | Enum "QWEPR Contract Document Type" |
2 | No. | Code[20] |
5 | Sell-to Customer No. | Code[20] |
6 | Bill-to Customer No. | Code[20] |
7 | Ship-to Code | Code[10] |
8 | Sell-to Customer Name | Text[100] |
9 | Sell-to Customer Name 2 | Text[50] |
10 | Sell-to Address | Text[100] |
11 | Sell-to Address 2 | Text[50] |
12 | Sell-to Post Code | Code[20] |
13 | Sell-to City | Text[30] |
14 | Sell-to Country/Region Code | Code[10] |
15 | Bill-to Name | Text[100] |
16 | Bill-to Name 2 | Text[50] |
17 | Bill-to Address | Text[100] |
18 | Bill-to Address 2 | Text[50] |
19 | Bill-to Post Code | Code[20] |
20 | Bill-to City | Text[30] |
21 | Bill-to Country/Region Code | Code[10] |
23 | Ship-to Name | Text[100] |
24 | Ship-to Name 2 | Text[50] |
25 | Ship-to Address | Text[100] |
26 | Ship-to Address 2 | Text[50] |
27 | Ship-to Post Code | Code[20] |
28 | Ship-to City | Text[30] |
29 | Ship-to Country/Region Code | Code[10] |
31 | Create | Enum "QWEPR Contract Create Type" |
34 | External Document No. | Code[35] |
35 | Your Reference | Text[35] |
36 | Next Posting Date | Date |
37 | Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | Code[20] |
38 | Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | Code[20] |
39 | Currency Code | Code[10] |
40 | Contract Category Code | Code[10] |
41 | Customer Price Group | Code[10] |
42 | Customer Disc. Group | Code[20] |
43 | Language Code | Code[10] |
44 | Salesperson Code | Code[20] |
46 | No. Series | Code[20] |
47 | Status | Enum "QWEPR Contract Document Status" |
48 | Blocked | Boolean |
49 | Responsibility Center | Code[10] |
50 | Starting Date | Date |
51 | Ending Date | Date |
52 | Contract Date | Date |
54 | Invoicing Interval | DateFormula |
55 | No. of Invoices per Posting | Integer |
56 | Latest Posting Date | Date |
57 | Location Code | Code[10] |
60 | Job No. | Code[20] |
61 | Job Task No. | Code[20] |
65 | Shipping Advice | Enum "Sales Header Shipping Advice" |
66 | Contract Group Code | Code[20] |
67 | Invoice Text Code | Code[20] |
70 | Error when creating document | Boolean |
71 | Error msg. when creating doc. | Text[2048] |
72 | Error Created | DateTime |
80 | Update Addresses from Customer | Boolean |
81 | Advanced Mode | Boolean |
83 | Collective Invoicing | Boolean |
84 | Include Consumption Lines | Enum "QWEPR Incl. Consumption Lines" |
85 | Show Detail Lines | Boolean |
90 | Sell-to County | Text[30] |
91 | Bill-to County | Text[30] |
92 | Ship-to County | Text[30] |
99 | Initialized | Boolean |
100 | Calc. Amount per Month (LCY) | Decimal |
101 | Calc. Amount per Year (LCY) | Decimal |
102 | Balance (LCY) | Decimal |
103 | Net Change (LCY) | Decimal |
104 | Balance (Reversed LCY) | Decimal |
105 | Net Change (Reversed LCY) | Decimal |
106 | Not Posted Amount | Decimal |
107 | Calculated Total Amount | Decimal |
108 | Calculated Total Amount (LCY) | Decimal |
110 | Starting Date Filter | Date |
111 | Ending Date Filter | Date |
112 | Contr Period Starting Date Flt | Date |
120 | Ln Within Ending Date Warning | Integer |
121 | Ending Date Warning Filter | Date |
480 | Dimension Set ID | Integer |
This documentation is generated from Parrot v23.2.224501.0