Contract Entry
Object Definition
Object Type | Table |
Object ID | 70299078 |
Object Name | QWEPR Contract Entry |
Number |
Name |
Type |
1 |
Entry No. |
Integer |
2 |
Contract Document Type |
Enum "QWEPR Contract Document Type" |
3 |
Contract No. |
Code[20] |
4 |
Contract Line No. |
Integer |
5 |
Type |
Enum "QWEPR Contract Line Type" |
6 |
No. |
Code[20] |
7 |
Description |
Text[100] |
8 |
Description 2 |
Text[50] |
9 |
Quantity |
Decimal |
10 |
Unit Price |
Decimal |
11 |
Line Discount % |
Decimal |
13 |
Amount |
Decimal |
14 |
Location Code |
Code[10] |
20 |
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code |
Code[20] |
21 |
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code |
Code[20] |
22 |
Auto. Acc. Group |
Code[10] |
27 |
User ID |
Code[50] |
30 |
Subline Type |
Enum "QWEPR Subline Type" |
31 |
Consumption Sum Type |
Enum "QWEPR Consumption Sum Type" |
32 |
Include Consumption Lines |
Enum "QWEPR Incl. Consumption Lines" |
53 |
Unit of Measure Code |
Code[10] |
60 |
Posted Line Amount |
Decimal |
61 |
Posted Line Amount (LCY) |
Decimal |
62 |
Posted Line Discount % |
Decimal |
65 |
Reversed Line Amount |
Decimal |
66 |
Reversed Line Amount (LCY) |
Decimal |
67 |
Reversed Line Discount % |
Decimal |
100 |
Sell-to Customer No. |
Code[20] |
101 |
Bill-to Customer No. |
Code[20] |
102 |
Ship-to Code |
Code[10] |
104 |
Currency Code |
Code[10] |
105 |
Salesperson Code |
Code[20] |
106 |
Starting Date |
Date |
107 |
Ending Date |
Date |
108 |
Contract Date |
Date |
109 |
Invoicing Interval |
DateFormula |
110 |
No. of Invoices per Posting |
Integer |
150 |
Contract Period Starting Date |
Date |
151 |
Contract Period Ending Date |
Date |
480 |
Dimension Set ID |
Integer |
496 |
Job Planning Line No. |
Integer |
498 |
Job No. |
Code[20] |
499 |
Job Task No. |
Code[20] |
500 |
Sales Document Type |
Enum "QWEPR Sales Document Type" |
501 |
Sales No. |
Code[20] |
502 |
Sales Line No. |
Integer |
503 |
Posted Document Type |
Enum "QWEPR Posted Document Type" |
504 |
Posted No. |
Code[20] |
505 |
Posted Line No. |
Integer |
506 |
Posted |
Boolean |
510 |
Reversed |
Boolean |
511 |
Reversed Document Type |
Option |
512 |
Reversed No. |
Code[20] |
513 |
Reversed Line No. |
Integer |
1700 |
Deferral Code |
Code[10] |
This documentation is generated from Parrot v23.2.224501.0