Contract Dim. Mgt.
Events related to Contract Dimensions.
Object Definition
Object Type | Codeunit |
Object ID | 70299098 |
Object Name | QWEPR Contract Dim. Mgt. |
Name | Description |
OnBeforeCheckContractsDim(Record "QWEPR Contract Header"; Record "QWEPR Contract Line" temporary; Boolean) | Raised before any checks of a Contract's dimensions are performed. |
OnCheckDimValuePostingOnAfterCreateDimTableIDs(Variant; array[10] of Integer; array[10] of Code[20]) | Raised before any checks with regards to the actual dimension values are performed. The event is raised both for the Contract Header and for every individual Contract Line. |
OnCopyToTempLinesOnAfterSetFilters(Record "QWEPR Contract Line"; Record "QWEPR Contract Header") | Raised before a temporary instance of Contract Lines is filled with Contract Lines form a Contract. Used to change the filters when looping Contract Lines. |
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